On 26/01/2011 16:28, J4K wrote:
On 01/26/2011 04:06 PM, Timo Sirainen wrote:
On 26.1.2011, at 16.51, Timo Sirainen wrote:

Getting off topic, but K-9 mail (and IIRC the original) often can't open some of my mails, just says 
"downloading..." ->  "mail is still on server", but then it can open the next 
mail just fine. I haven't tried to debug it yet.
Oh, right, it can't show PGP/MIME emails at all, that's the problem.

Disagree. I use K9 for PGP Emails all the time.  No problems here ;)

I did send an example email to the list, but I think it ended up in the moderator bin for size reasons... it was a multi-part MIME message though... and it gets the message left on server message with the original android mail application.

Best Regards,

Giles Coochey
NetSecSpec Ltd
NL T-Systems Mobile: +31 681 265 086
NL Mobile: +31 626 508 131
GIB Mobile: +350 5401 6693
Email/MSN/Live Messenger: gi...@coochey.net
Skype: gilescoochey

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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