On 11/3/21 1:09 PM, Michael Slusarz wrote:
For Solr, there's a code path in the FTS expunge code that will silently toss 
expunge requests:

         if (ctx->last_indexed_uid == 0 ||
             uid > ctx->last_indexed_uid + 100) {
                 /* don't waste time asking Solr to expunge a message that is
                    highly unlikely to be indexed at this time. */

So it's possible you are running into that.

Interesting.  I don't know dovecot code well enough to figure out if maybe *every* expunge that happens is classified by that code as "unlikely to be indexed at this time."  For the situations I have tried, I know that the message HAS been indexed and should be deleted from the index.

I was going to try removing that whole code construct and running it to see what happens, but it looks like the dovecot apt repo does not have source packages.  When I add a deb-src line to the dovecot repo config, then do "apt update" (which works without complaint) followed by "apt-get source dovecot-solr" it pulls source packages from the Ubuntu repo, not the dovecot repo, so the source I end up with is for version 2.3.7, not the 2.3.17 that I am running.

Maybe I can do a custom compile of the source code and replace the /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/lib21_fts_solr_plugin.so file with what the compile produces.  I'm going to try that, and see if it explodes. :)


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