Dear All
I have
Postfix version 3.3.0, Dovecot Version and PostfixAdmin
version 3.3.10 using MySQL on a small device running Ubuntu
VERSION="18.04.6 LTS (Bionic Beaver)" for my internal LAN

I have a user mailto:ad...@fsoft.nnet with a mailbox setup in
PostfixAdmin with a password as 'Test75?'

Everything is running fine, but I cannot get my Email Client
Thunderbird to connect.

I have setup the debugging to see that the correct password
is being used, which it is, but I have this error:

dovecot: auth-worker(26468):
sql(mailto:ad...@fsoft.nnet,,<gB77wjLXGLsKBgoK>): Password
mismatch (given password: Test75?)

showing that dovecot disagrees!!!

Why is this? Is it something to do with the permissions in

I did find
 where someone had the same problem. He just tried various passwords until he 
found one that
worked!!!! I have not found any other post about this exact problem.

Any help much appreciated.



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