Well my PostfixAdmin is setup like this:

$CONF['encrypt'] = 'md5crypt';

and dovecot default_pass_scheme = MD5-CRYPT

So I would have thought that would match OK.

I have tried a password with just AlphaNumeric characters, no special chars but 
same error.

---- On Fri, 04 Feb 2022 17:16:05 +0000 Benny Pedersen <m...@junc.eu> wrote ----

On 2022-02-04 18:08, João Silva wrote: 
> On 04/02/2022 16:51, Francis Greaves wrote: 
>> My dovecot-sql.conf.ext file has this line: 
>> default_pass_scheme = MD5-CRYPT 
>> looking in the postfixadmin database passwords are encrypted 
> How? there are several ways to encrypt passwords. If the 
> default_pass_scheme mismatch the way postfixadmin encrypts the 
> passwords the verification will fail. 
and thats why i asked what is in mysql password field 
no info no help here

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