Shawn - 

You had mentioned in another email (somewhere) that were hopefully going
to do a write-up of setting up Solr 9.x with Dovecot. Any chance you've
had time for that ? 

Thanks - 

On 2022-09-30 1:52 pm, Shawn Heisey wrote: 

> On 9/27/22 19:32, Nathanael Anderson wrote:
>> I was trying a new install of dovecot w/ solr9. I've manually fixed the file 
>> linking to the proper directories, however one plugin is no longer shipped. 
>> Since the solr files aren't updated yet to 9, can anyone tell me if I need 
>> the discontinued velocity plugin that was default in the dovecot solr 7.7 
>> config file. It appears it is now a third party plugin that hasn't been 
>> updated for 3 years.
> The velocity stuff that Solr ships with is a templating system that 
> allows Solr to host a little website showcasing its capabilities. It is 
> strongly recommended to never use this in production, as it requires 
> that end users have direct network access to the Solr install, which is 
> never a good idea.
> Dovecot accesses the API directly and does not need velocity.
> I am running a dev version of Solr 9.1.0 with the config and schema 
> stripped down to just what is needed for Dovecot. I have added the jars 
> necessary for the ICU analysis components and I am using two of those 
> analysis components in my schema.
> I installed Solr on Ubuntu Server using the service installer script 
> included in the download. This extracts the tarball in /opt, and then 
> sets up /opt/solr as a symlink to the version-specific directory in 
> /opt. It creates a directory structure under /var/solr and creates 
> /etc/default/ If you use a service name other than solr, 
> that will be named /etc/default/${servicename} and I believe the 
> data will go to /var/${servicename}.
> For ICU, I created /var/solr/data/lib, then copied icu4j-70.1.jar and 
> lucene-analysis-icu-9.3.0.jar from /opt/solr/modules/analysis-extras/lib 
> to that new lib directory. Solr 9.0.0 would have lucene jars from Lucene 
> 9.0.0, but the 9.x branch is currently using Lucene 9.3.0. Do not use 
> <lib> config elements in solrconfig.xml to load the jars. My 
> solrconfig.xml and managed-schema.xml files can be found here:
> [1]
> [2]
> My index is quite small by Solr standards, which is why I have such a 
> low maxTime on autoSoftCommit. Larger indexes may do better with a 
> larger interval there.
> I use LATEST for luceneMatchVersion, which generates a warning when Solr 
> starts. I am also using 2.0 for the schema version so that it will 
> automatically pick up new defaults after the 1.6 version when those 
> versions are created in later versions of Solr.
> This is the current contents of /etc/default/ with commented 
> lines removed:
> ---------------
> SOLR_PID_DIR="/var/solr"
> SOLR_HOME="/var/solr/data"
> LOG4J_PROPS="/var/solr/log4j2.xml"
> SOLR_LOGS_DIR="/var/solr/logs"
> SOLR_PORT="8983"
> SOLR_HEAP="1g"
> GC_TUNE=" 
> -XX:+UseG1GC 
> -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled 
> -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=100 
> -XX:+UseLargePages 
> -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch 
> -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent 
> -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 
> -XX:+UseStringDeduplication 
> -XX:+UseNUMA 
> "
> ---------------
> Once you have all that in place, start and stop solr using service or 
> systemctl. Don't run the solr script directly except to create the 
> index ... and for that you must run it as the solr user. Running it as 
> root is prohibited by default, and forcing it will cause problems.
> My Solr install is running in cloud mode, but I have removed the things 
> that configure that to make this info easier to use.
> One final note: Solr 9 cannot use indexes touched by Solr 7 or 
> earlier. You will need to completely reindex.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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