At 14:25 01/05/2002 -0700, you wrote:

>Any chance you might want to take a crack at this?  I think
>I probably need to create a window to handle the tooltip
>control request.

Funny enough, I have a completely broken dqsdtools here as a result of 
playing with this one.

I've always found the tooltip stuff to be totally counterintuitive, so this 
will be an ideal educational challenge for me.

I have various other stuff on for the next 10 days or so, but if you want 
to assign it to me, that's fine.

If it wasn't treading on anyone's toes, I might have a bit of a move around 
in  dqsdtools, to create some kind of utility object/module which contained 
things like:

         A single routine for finding the dqsd window - both you and I have 
done our own implementation of this at the moment, and it's needed again by 
the tooltip stuff.
         A single (hidden) window to handle stuff like the shortcut 
notification, pop-up menu notification, tooltip parentage (?), etc.
         Anything else I think could be a general resource to people 
writing bits of dqsdtools.




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