Is this different from the "Mark-of-the-web" solution mentioned at which "was tested but it ruins some parts of

See, also, from the DQSD-list archives:


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Monty
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: [DQSD-Users] Fix for XP SP2 Problem

Man thats outstanding!.. many thanks Lee..   It works great.. 

I made the source change and checked it in to CVS.


Lee Hasiuk wrote:

>(Please forgive me if this message has already made it to your mailing
list.  I tried submitting it without joining, and I tried sending email
to David Bau, but apparently both were ignored, because I couldn't see
any mention in your archives.)
>I stumbled across DQSD a few evenings ago and decided to give it a try.
I immediately noticed that it had a problem with running under Windows
XP SP2.  It looks to me like you are using local active content in a web
browser ActiveX control in the toolbar.  I looked at the source code for
the control's HTML and saw that there's a critical line missing from it
that's necessary in SP2 to avoid the "information bar" when running
active content stored on the local system.  It's commonly known as the
"Mark of the Web".  You can read more about it here:
appendix.mspx (do a search for Mark of the Web once the page is loaded)
>Anyway, there's a trivial fix for this problem.  Just add the following
line to the file named "search.htm" (I found it in the directory in
which DQSD was installed), just after the line that contains "<head>"
(line 4 in the latest version on your web site):
><!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet -->
>That's all there is to it!  I hope that this isn't something you
already knew about, because I didn't have time to go through all the
messages in your mailing list archives.  A quick glance led me to
believe that you were approaching a fix by messing with the registry.

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