Hi Kim & Brian,

> > :sigh:  probably some danged "security policy" that they 
> > swept through and set, somewhere (either in
> > WindowsXP [SP2], or in IE [6.x]).   :(
> >
> I had a lot of strange Access Denied errors (due 
> to XmlHttpRequest, so nothing we can address
> directly, unfortunately) when I ran DQSD as non-admin.

Are we using the xmphttprequest object? Or are we using the
msxml2.xmlhttp (and similar) objects? The first one is only available on
IE7 and up.

If it weren't with IE6, I would say that it was probably related to the
"enable native xmlhttp support" option in IE7. But since it's IE6, I
don't know what to think. If the specific search uses a local file cache
for processing or functionality, then it could be that the search is
failing based on permissions on the DQSD folder (add full rights to your
current user to all files to fix it).


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