Re: 1)&2) - this batch file worked when logged into the same account as
the account used for the service.

Re: 3) - changing the SSDIR parameter in drace.exe.config to point to
the srcsafe.ini file location on the network share fixed the problem.  

More info: VSS was installed as a client-only installation from the vss
server and the local srcsafe.ini file only contains an include pointing
to the ini file on the share.
I now have "<ssdir>\\sevvdev01c\VSS\</ssdir>" in my config file and I do
not get the 100 exit code.  It detected one change after I got it
working - but now it's not detecting changes so I need to dig into that.



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2004 10:07 PM
Subject: RE: [Draconet-users] Having problem with vss and exitcode 100

1) log in as account draco is running under.
2) To simulate exactly what was trying to do setup batch file

Set SSDIR = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft VSS\win32"
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft VSS\win32\ss.exe"history
"$/WPR/WPR_Solution.root" -R -I-N -Y"tkraft,xyzzx" -Vd"7/1/2004;4:20:08
PM~7/1/2004;12:59:00 PM" 

Should not work correctly as it fails in draco.

3) the SSDIR variable should be set to the folder in which a srcsafe.ini
file resides, typically one folder above a folder that says "Data".
Maybe try in the .config file to change

<ssdir>C:\Program Files\Microsoft VSS\win32</ssdir>
<ssdir>C:\Program Files\Microsoft VSS\</ssdir>

SSDIR typically is one folder above wherever your data directory is for
the Visual SourceSafe database and contains the srcsafe.ini file. Ours
is on a network path so we have something like
Under there is a srcsafe.ini file, then there are directories like:


Good luck.  Let us know if that fixes anything for you.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Castro,
Edwin Gabriel (Firing Systems Engr.)
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2004 15:35
Subject: RE: [Draconet-users] Having problem with vss and exitcode 100

Make sure the service is running as a user with access to the database.
The service will probably run as Local System or Local Service by
default. That can cause problems if those accounts do not have access to
the database (whether it's local or on a network share). Check under
what user account the service is running and check the permissions for
the directory where the database is located. Make sure that the service
has appropriate permissions.

If it looks like the service has access then the problem is something
much weirder, but I expect it to be a permissions problem.

Edwin G. Castro

> -----Original Message-----
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kraft, Toby
> Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2004 2:26 PM
> Subject: [Draconet-users] Having problem with vss and exitcode 100
> All,
> Installed 1.5, configured with nant and vss (on network
> share), configured the service with username/password that can access 
> shared drive, put VSSDIR setting in draco config file, searched the
> archive.
> Still get error 100 from the service.
> I created a batch file with the same command that works fine:
> "C:\Program Files\Microsoft VSS\win32\ss.exe" get
> "$/WPR/WPR_Solution.root" -R -I-N -Y"username,password"
> -Vd"7/1/2004;3:39:33 PM~7/1/2004;12:59:00 PM"
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:\DOCUME~1\tkraft\LOCALS~1\Temp\tmpFC4.tmp
> Get this in log:
> 7/1/2004 4:20:08 PM - WPR_Solution : Checking module for changes 
> 7/1/2004 4:20:08 PM - Detected path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft 
> VSS\win32 7/1/2004 4:20:08 PM - HISTORY arguments: history
> "$/WPR/WPR_Solution.root" -R -I-N -Y"tkraft,xyzzx"
> -Vd"7/1/2004;4:20:08 PM~7/1/2004;12:59:00 PM"
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:\DOCUME~1\tkraft\LOCALS~1\Temp\tmpFE7.tmp
> 7/1/2004 4:20:08 PM - Warning: SS.EXE exit code: 100
> 7/1/2004 4:20:08 PM - WPR_Solution : Detected no changes to module
> Here is config:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration>
>   <configSections>
>     <!--
>       Register Draco's custom configuration section.  The
> parser
>       will delegate control to the ConfigurationSection class when it
> encounters
>       the <draco> element
>      -->
>     <section name="draco"
> Draco" />
>   </configSections>
>     <startup>
>     <supportedRuntime version="v1.1.4322"/>
>     <requiredRuntime version="v1.1.4322" safemode="true"/>
>   </startup>
>   <system.diagnostics>
>     <switches>
>       <add name="TraceLevelSwitch" value="4" />
>     </switches>
>     <trace autoflush="true" indentsize="4">
>       <listeners>
>         <add name="Draco"
>              type="Chive.Draco.Util.FileTraceListener, Draco"  />
>         <remove name="Default"/>
>       </listeners>
>     </trace>
>   </system.diagnostics>
>   <!-- Configures Draco remoting -->
>   <system.runtime.remoting>
>     <application>
>       <service>
>         <wellknown mode="Singleton"
>                    objectUri="Draco"
>                    type="Chive.Draco.DracoRemote, Draco" />
>       </service>
>       <channels>
>         <channel ref="tcp" port="8086">
>            <serverProviders>
>               <formatter ref="binary" typeFilterLevel="Full" />
>            </serverProviders>
>            <clientProviders>
>               <formatter ref="binary" />
>            </clientProviders>
>         </channel>
>       </channels>
>     </application>
>   </system.runtime.remoting>
>   <draco xmlns="";>
>     <pollperiod>60</pollperiod>
>     <quietperiod>60</quietperiod>
>     <mailserver>localhost</mailserver>
>     <fromaddress>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</fromaddress>
>     <builds>
>       <build>
>           <name>WPR_Solution</name>
>           <notification>
>             <email>
>               <recipient>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</recipient>
>             </email>
>             <file>
>               <dir>C:\temp</dir>
>             </file>
>           </notification>
>           <nant>
>             <buildfile>C:\Documents and Settings\tkraft\My
> Documents\Visual Studio 
> Projects\WPR\WPR_Solution\</buildfile>
>           </nant>
>           <!--
>             Configuration for Visual SourceSafe.
>           -->
>           <vss >
>             <project>$/WPR/WPR_Solution.root</project>
>             <username>xyzzx</username>
>             <password>xyzzx</password>
>             <ssdir>C:\Program Files\Microsoft VSS\win32</ssdir>
>           </vss>
>        </build>
>     </builds>
>   </draco>
> </configuration>
> Any help would be appreciated!  Thanks.
> Toby
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