I just got draco.net working and noticed that VSS was not detecting
changes when called from draco.  After debugging a while with a batch
file, I discovered that the VSS history command -V option does not like
seconds to be specified with the time.  If you leave off the seconds, it
works.  If you specify seconds, it does not detect the changes:

For example:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft VSS\win32\ss.exe" history
"$/WPR/WPR_Solution.root" -R -I-N -Y"tkraft,xyzzx" -Vd"7/2/2004;9:30
AM~7/2/2004;5:56 AM" [EMAIL PROTECTED]:\DOCUME~1\tkraft\LOCALS~1\Temp\tmpxxx2.tmp

This will work and yields:

Building list for

*****  Event.ascx  *****
Version 71
User: Tkraft       Date:  7/02/04   Time:  8:29a
Checked in $/WPR/WPR_Solution.root/WPR_Web/controls

*****  Event.ascx  *****
Version 70
User: Tkraft       Date:  7/02/04   Time:  8:18a
Checked in $/WPR/WPR_Solution.root/WPR_Web/controls

*****  Event.ascx.cs  *****
Version 86
User: Tkraft       Date:  7/02/04   Time:  8:11a
Checked in $/WPR/WPR_Solution.root/WPR_Web/controls

*****  Event.ascx.cs  *****
Version 85
User: Tkraft       Date:  7/02/04   Time:  7:56a
Checked in $/WPR/WPR_Solution.root/WPR_Web/controls

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft VSS\win32\ss.exe" history
"$/WPR/WPR_Solution.root" -R -I-N -Y"tkraft,xyzzx" -Vd"7/2/2004;9:30:00
AM~7/2/2004;5:56:00 AM" [EMAIL PROTECTED]:\DOCUME~1\tkraft\LOCALS~1\Temp\tmpxxx2.tmp

Only yielded:

Building list for

I'm running VSS 6.0d

I'll have a look at the source but if someone wants to jump in first,
let us know.



PS - an earlier post of mine indicated it worked once, then started
failing - reason was the 1st time had different dates in the -Vd range.
PPS - I'm not subscribed to the developers list, please forward if you

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