Steve Berg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Each time I buy a house, I make sure there are no covenants or other antenna restrictions encumbering it. Years ago I rented a condo where there were no antennas allowed. They kept trying to get me to buy that poorly built hovel, and I kept saying that I would not do so unless they gave me a waiver on antennas. They never would, and I bought elsewhere. When I took a job as a city administrator out in Western Illinois, the city clerk and I went through the ordinances, and found a restriction on the height of church steeples, but nothing about antennas. A little research beforehand saves a lot of headaches later. Here, the only hassle I get about ham radio is from one old lady who gets upset that 6 meters tears up her soaps. She is running a mast mounted preamp and several distribution amps in the house. Since they all like to act like mixers, there is nothing I can do at my end. Ironically, her late husband used to wipe out most of the televisions in the area running his old Heathkit on 10 meters. For retirement, I'm buying 35 acres out in the middle of nowhere, as so long as BPL doesn't show up, the old 2B is going to get a lot of exercise with any antenna I feel like putting up.


Steve WA9JML

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