Garey Barrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Tom -

OK.  Just wanted to be sure we were on the same page!  :-)

It sure sounds like an oscillation in the PA stage. The only thing that comes to mind is when you have one of the older tubes in there, the maximum plate current is lower. The fact that the max current and output peak at a different point than the max receive certainly indicates that the final is at a different frequency than the receiver. This is also reinforced by the fact that the Pi-net won't resonate, indicating that the frequency is outside the range of the 20M band position.

Have you tried to find the oscillation frequency by listening on a general coverage receiver? Knowing that frequency might give us a clue. The fact that the RF TUNE control loses control of the output indicates that the PA is oscillating without drive, once it is kicked off by some initial drive.

This is a weird one..... Anyone else has an idea, speak up!! I thought Gary was on to something until we found that the problem follows the tubes in two separate transceivers. It's looking more and more like the problem is with the GOOD tube(s)!

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 4-B & C-Line Service Supplement CDs

Thomas Wright wrote:

"Thomas Wright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang
I think we're saying the same thing. Using two new tubes and each one of the bad tubes to make the trio, I found that all three of the bad tubes produced the same effect when each was used in combination with the two good tubes. I kept exchanging one of the bad tubes in the trio and each time got the same oscillating. This occurred in both transceivers. The only time it functioned properly was when I combined the two new tubes with an older tube which was weak. Then both radios performed normally. The strange thing is that after I peak the rf tune control for max s-level or noise, when tuning the transmitter I find that the current and output peaks at a completely different spot when I turn the rf tune control to peak current. And current peaks when output peaks, of course, but it won't dip. The xmtr gain control will not reduce output or current once the load and plate controls are maxed. And rotating between sidebands makes no difference after the transmitter is tunes either. Both USB and LSB produce high output. I can't say what I'm looking for, but logic suggests that the PS must have something to do with this. Last night I checked at the PS connector and found normal bias and high voltages (although I get the feeling that the high side is a bit high), and I found less than .6 volts of AC at any of the three sides. I've got three new finals on the way, but I have no expectation that those will act any differently. I did check bias voltages with the transceiver on and found them normal at all three final sockets. I'll keep looking. And thanks for your continued comments.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Garey Barrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2007 10:37 PM
Subject: Re: [drakelist] AC3 Bias

Garey Barrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Thomas -

OK.  I'm not sure you did what I asked.  Let me try again...

I believe I understood you to say that the "20M thing" happens in _both_ transmitters when the "good" tubes are installed. What I want to try is with two of the "good" tubes and one of the "bad" tubes, what happens. If the problem is still there, then leave the two good tubes and put in a _different_ one of the bad tubes. If the problem still exists, again leave the two good tubes and put in the third of the bad tubes. What we're trying to determine is if just ONE of the bad tubes is really bad, or if the situation is that two good tubes with any one of the bad tubes results in the oscillation or whatever we're seeing. You also need to check the neutralization with each tube change. It doesn't have to be perfect, but you should be able to get close enough on 20M pretty easily.

The voltages you are seeing are certainly in the ballpark. The HV will go to 700 VDC with no load, and should be around 650V at full load of ~350 mA.

There's also the possibility that one of the "good" tubes is actually the problem, but I can't think what it might be! :-) Do you have one other "good" 6JB6 that you could rotate through the "good" trio?

I thought Gary might have a clue, but I agree that it's unlikely that both transceivers have a bad capacitor resulting in the same symptoms with one set of tubes and not the other.

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 4-B & C-Line Service Supplement CDs

Thomas Wright wrote:

"Thomas Wright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang
The saga continues. This is getting weird. Back to the "unable to control the transmit, and unable to dip the plate current on 20 meters" thing. Using your advice I used two new tubes and one of the oscillating tubes on both radios (TR-4 and a TR-4C). The same symptom is there using two new tubes and one of the oscillating tubes. The only way I can get this thing to act normally is if I include one older tube that is only producing about 50% output. Any combination of three strong tubes in either radio causes the problem. Now, the only other thing in common is the power supply I just recapped and redioded. No load bias voltage is approx -45-85, low volt is 257, and high volt is a little over 700. At the PA feedthrough under the chassis when idling the voltage was also around 720. Could too high a voltage on the high section cause these tubes to oscillate on higher frequencies? I can't believe that I've got two transceivers that suddenly caught the same bug. WAY too much of a coincidence. Tonight I plan to open the PS and check everything I did, but if you have any thoughts I'd sure like to hear them. And to Gary P...thanks for the comments. I tried replacing the driver tube with a new one, and measured the capacitance of the capacitors you mentioned, and they were good. The new tube had no change.
Thanks guys.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Garey Barrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2007 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: [drakelist] AC3 Bias

Garey Barrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Tom -

It sounds like you have an oscillation in the final caused by a defect in one of the tubes. It's a little puzzling why it only shows on 20M, but probably has to do with the neutralization circuitry and the defective tube. The fact that the plate current won't dip implies that the frequency of the oscillation is outside the range of the pi-net when set for 20M. You might be able to find it with an external general coverage receiver, but it's really not that important.

I would expect one of the defective trio of tubes to show some color in the plate, since that one is probably drawing the excess plate current. If not, what I would do is take one of the tubes in the "good" trio, and swap it with one of the tubes in the "bad" trio. If the oscillation is still evident, replace the tube removed from the "bad" trio and try another one until you find which one is the cause. If the two tubes in the "bad" trio are otherwise in good shape, you can probably get a good new one and it will be a close enough match. You can check for "match" by putting in one tube at a time and noting the plate current at idle. It should be about 33 mA for one tube. More accurate would be to measure the voltage across the 15 ohm cathode resistor of the socket that the one tube is plugged into. Swap in each tube into the same socket and note the plate current of each _without adjusting the bias voltage_ and select the three that are closest in current. Hopefully they will be within a couple - three mA of each other. This is not a "real" matching, but will be close enough for all practical purposes.

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 4-B & C-Line Service Supplement CDs

Thomas Wright wrote:

"Thomas Wright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Well, I tried swapping finals. In fact I swapped with my TR-4 finals, which are weak. The finals that were in the TR-4C that was acting up do the same thing in the TR-4, and vice versa. When in the TR-4 the tubes produce very good outputs on all bands except 20, just like they do in the TR-4C. Obviously the problem is the Sylvania 6JB6's, or at least one of them. 20 meters simply won't dip on either radio when it has those tubes and output stays very high even when reducing xmit gain to full CCW. Can someone explain that to me? Do I sense that the only fix is new finals? I hate to give up such a strong trio.

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