I acquired this TR-4C from my father a decade ago, W9LKZ (SK).  I've rebuild 
the power supply with great success a few years ago.  Now I have a problem with 
the xmtr keying circuit.  After allowing the rig to warm up for half an hour or 
so when I key the mic and then release it the transmitter section remains in 
the transmit mode.  Not a whole lot of fun...  I also found this 4 section cap 
# C145.  Where can I find a replacement for this device.  I love these old glow 
in the dark rigs, also keeps the shack warm in the winter.  I have also 
seen/heard of a mod to put a fan over the final amp cage.  What voltage is 
being used to power the fan and how big of a fan?

Thanks for all the other good info I've gleaned from this site

Paul Strickland
Drakelist mailing list

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