On Tue, 2010-02-09 at 12:55 -0500, James Bridgers wrote:
> I would like to have a rf signal generator for my use.  Any suggestions as 
> what to look for?
> Thanks in advance for your help

Since James has not identified what "his use" is, the wide ranging
responses to his question generated answers to the more general question
of: "What RF signal generators are available? And at what cost?". 

The very wide range of generator costs identified by other posters to
this thread offer few if any inexpensive solutions. 

Inexpensive probably means "build it from scratch" or find a kit.  As
others have mentioned, aside from generating the signal, knowing what
frequency it is on and being able to adjust the power level are probably
the minimal characteristics of a useful generator.  

A transistorized wide frequency VFO with band-switchable coils/caps is
easily made.  This coupled with a frequency counter and a step
attenuator makes a useful generation system.  A DDS-30, DDS-60 or
equivalent is better that a VFO-type oscillator for some applications,
but will depend on your needs.

Google for Frequency counter kit and step attenuator kit.  Scan the
unmentionable auction site to see what's available.  

Having separate pieces of gear is a plus because each may be used in
more than a single way.  Gear such as a crystal oscillators, RF
detectors, RF mixers and the like can be easily added to the mix to give
you more testing/experimenting capabilities. 

Also consider that simple, usable electronic equipment based on the PC
sound card are easily fabricated.   

Do some research, decide build or buy, go for it!   

Joe, K9HDE 

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