Fellow enthusiasts,

Wonder if anybody has had "bad" experiences with the Drake L7 on 160 meters.  
I'm checking one out for a local ham that needs some assistance and have found 
some strange things, some, but not likely all.  The amp seems to have been, how 
do we say it, "worked on".  Everything seems to be ok except on 160 meters.  
Original tubes in the amp were soft, so I put in a known set that were good, 
and that didn't change things in terms of the problem on 160.

Here is the test setup.  Using a dummy load with 1:1 SWR.  Power supply is 
fine.  No parasitics observed.  Driving with a TR-7 (tests at 50 and 100 
watts).   SWR to the input of the amp is less than 1.2:1 so the input coil is 
reasonably well adjusted. Power out is only 500-600 watts DC on a calibrated 
wattmeter.  Other bands, like 80 and 40, produce closer to 900 watts DC output. 
 Typically the power goes down as you go higher in frequency, which happens 
here on 80-15 meters, but 160 is way down.

Has anybody experienced anything like this with their L7?  Inquiring minds want 
to know.


Evan, K9SQG
Drakelist mailing list

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