On Thu, 13 Jan 2011 16:15:25 -0500, Paul Gerhardt wrote:

>Today I used my new used Hakko 808 to work on a tube rig and it is
>really NICE.  

We use those where I work too (no, I haven't found any in the trash yet). I
love my 808.

A few tips:

Keep it clean.
Run the poker down the air path often - the springy thing is for the tip, the
small screwdriver is for the pipe through the heating element.
Remove the tip periodically to keep it fron siezing onto the pipe.
Keep it clean
If it ever seems to not suck ( a bad thing in this case ), open up the two pump
sections and check for flux buildup on the vanes.
Keep it clean.

Properly maintainted, the are quite reliable and effective.



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Lincoln, Nebraska, U.S.S.A.
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