I'm with you , Don - I was wondering : what am I missing?  Actually, from
what I understand, we should all go back to the old ladder line to feed the
antenna because it has the lowest losses - not convenient in most cases

73 de Grant


On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 7:32 AM, Don Cunningham <d...@martineer.net> wrote:

>  Grant,
> It's a matter of "personal preference", and you'll get as many yeas as
> nays.  I subscribe to the old school, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!".  I
> suspect some of this comes from VHF/UHF usage of coaxes, and they DO make a
> tremendous difference there, but under 30 megs, loss is minimal in good
> quality coax.  When we could get Belden Coax at a decent price, most thought
> RG-213 was better than "regular" RG-8, but likely there was little
> different.  You will have some more loss with RG-8X, but with low power, you
> shouldn't notice enough difference to warrant a change.  Only my opinion, no
> more factual than any else, hi.
> 73,
> Don, WB5HAK
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