On Wed, 9 Mar 2011 17:12:37 -0700, J. Steven Cochrane wrote:

>I don't know that particular meter, but it sounds like someone may have taken 
>the cover off and then not gotten the meter adjustment "pin" back into the 
>meter adjustment "slot".
>If that makes sense, see if you can look inside the meter to see it looks like 
>that is what has happened.  If so, it might be repairable by "simply" 
>disassembling and correctly reassembling.

A "worst case" is the pin could be broken off. I've seen it happen. The options
are to repair the adjuster by adding a new pin somehow, finding another meter
with the same or similar cover for parts, or adjust it to zero by hand with the
cover off, then put the cover back on and hope for the best.



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