Woody - Well, it's been 32 years since I did the 10m mod on my new L-4B but as 
I recall you should be able to simply replace the LP filter with a straight 
piece of coax (can't help with the 10m input coil/cap procurement).  Once 
that's done you should have no problem putting the Soft-Start PCB in place....I 
just did it a couple of weeks ago.  Contrary to the instructions my amp 
actually had the terminal strip oriented such that I didn't have to move it...I 
THINK it was built that way to accommodate the LP filter box and thus no moving 

Am sure one of the guys will chime in with info about the input components.  If 
you look at the front panel you'll probably see that there's a small spot of 
gray paint in the place where the "10" should be on the plate tuning and band 
switch.  Back in the day I took an eraser and gently removed that paint to 
reveal the numerals....YMMV.

Good luck!

73 - Dino KL0S

On Mar232011, at 0855 AM, Woody wrote:

> Hello, as you will be able to tell I'm not a tech, just a broke down Old 
> Vietnam Vet who loves Drakes and am lucky enough to have a good collection.
> My question is I am in the process of redoing a L4B, using the Harbach Mods, 
> soft start, soft key and power supply kit. I am having problems finding a 
> place to mount the soft start, there is a alu. box mounted under the bottom, 
> this is where the soft start needs too mount, can I remove this without any 
> problems? I was told it was a low pass filter,And also where can I get the 10 
> mtr tuned input so that it could be used on 10 if I ever wanted to? It 
> doesn't have the tuned input for 10, and the band sw has blue dots in that 
> position. Sorry for being so dumb.
> Thanks
> Woody (KO4BG)
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