Another good trick for keeping small parts from ending up on the floor is one I 
learned from my XYL, who's a beader: Use a piece of Vellux blanket.  Not only 
does it keep things from bouncing, the slightly fuzzy texture will keep round 
things from rolling off as well.

If you don't happen to have an old blanket that can be sacrificed laying 
around, a pre-cut piece can be purchased from any craft supply shop for less 
than a buck. 


Carl, KJ6BSO

> Many years ago I apprenticed for 6 months in the camera repair business. We 
> used sheets of wet suit material, inside side up to cover our work surfaces. 
> You can get scraps cheaply at dive shops that make custom wet suits and cut 
> them to fit.
> Little parts don't bounce on them. They bounce on the outer side, so make 
> sure you've got the right one up. :-) ("green side up, green side up, green 
> side up")
> A small magnet is good to pick up those steel parts that fall and are missed.

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