Wecome to The DrakeList ListServer !

           This list is maintained by K3HRN, who can be reached at

                           General Information
RULES OF THE ROAD (May 10, 2007)

1. Unless it's absolutely required to make the message clear, do NOT
    quote the original message in total, no one needs the extra bandwidth.
2. Do NOT attach files to you messages to the list.  If what you have is
    of interest to a large number of list members, send it to the list
    owner for posting on the web site.
3. While notices of items for sale can be posted, this list is NOT to be
      used to market auction items.
4. This list does not allow subscriptions from forwarded email addresses.
      If you have subscribed from this type of address(arrl.net, qsl.net,
      amsat.org, etc.), please unsubscribe and subscribe from an account
      that is not forwarded.

Subcription requests should always be made at http://zerobeat.net/drakelist/listjoin.html Unsubscrine requests should always be made at http://mailman.zerobeat.net/mailman/listinfo/drakelist

Our list is called "drakelist@zerobeat.net" .

In the event of an address change, it would probably be the wisest to
first send an unsubscribe for the old address (this can be done from the
new address), and then a new subscribe for the new address

Most (un)subscription requests are processed automatically without human

         If you no longer have access to the original address you used to
         subscribe to the list, please send email to:
         k3...@zerobeat.net requesting that your old address be

5. MIME Encloded Messages:
   Our list doesn't appreciate MIME encoded messages.  The biggest problem is
   how do we set up our mail clients to NOT send messages in that fashion.

   http://www.expita.com/nomime.html  has a lot of current information on the
   subject.  If you've ever been asked to turn off the mime, and not sure
   how to...this is the link.


   Please feel free to post your For Sale and Want to buy messages to the
   list, as long as:

   They are not directing us to participate in an Ebay or other Auction
   They are not written in such a way to create a bidding situation in this
   mailing list.

   It should go without saying or regulating  the For Sale and Want To Buy
   messages on this list are based on the premise that the list members have
   an interest in Drake Equipment, and the posting of the messages offer a
   service to other members of the list.

   Those that cross a T and dot an i will ponder whether or not a post about
   the value of a piece of drake gear is acceptable.  In most instances it is
   - unless of course the poster is being real slick, asking a question about
   the value of something that he/she has listed on E-Bay.

   For those that want a more widely viewed forum, please feel free to use
   the classified ad system on the Drake Website.

                               DRAKELIST ARCHIVES

A web based archive of the Drakelist may be accessed at

                               DRAKELIST WEBSITE

The Drakelist Web Site is http://www.zerobeat.net/drakelist/

The site has classified ads for Drake, the online database,
home page registry, a new web based forum and many more features.

Thom K3HRN

Drakelist mailing list

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