The center conductor needs to be in precise alignment with the small socket
hole that it fits into. Not that easy to do by feel, you really need to get a
light and eyes on it. Unless the socket has been clipped short by someone who
mistook it for an ordinary component leg or the open end is obstructed by
something the center conductor should slip in easily once aligned correctly.
The shield clamp can be re-tensioned somewhat, but it's not meant to grab very
hard in the first place. It's mainly an electrical connection rather than a
physical restraint.



On Tue, 11 Nov 2014 21:53:10 -0500, Randall M. Payne wrote:

>Trying again on this:  has anyone had a problem with the coax lead from 
>the up converter to the high pass filter in the TR-7?  I cannot get the 
>coax to stay plugged in.  Not sure if I'm just not doing it quite right 
>or if there's a problem with the little fitting on the high pass filter 
>switch where the coax plugs in.  It looks like the fitting may have 
>opened up some where the coax shield should fit. The fitting does not 
>appear to be getting a good grip on the shield of the coax.  Also, the 
>center conductor of the coax, which should go into a socket on the 
>board, just bends off to the side.  If anyone else has had a similar 
>problem, I'd like to hear how you dealt with it.  I suppose you could 
>just solder the coax into place, but I hate to be drastic about this if 
>I can avoid that.
>Thanks and 73,
>Randy K4EZM
>Drakelist mailing list

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