DrakeList - New Resources
The Old Web based forum died....one of the updates managed to mangle the
database.  Sorry, all content was lost, and the automatic backup was of the
mangled system...

Drakelist New Forum

Please feel free to join and participate.

Because of support chores of one nature or another, I participate in
Facebook.  I've created a Facebook Page and a Group for your use:

Drakelist Facebook page
shortened version   https://tinyurl.com/drakelist-page

Drakelist Facebook Group page
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/398608380873040/
Shortened version  https://tinyurl.com/drakelist-group

Possible Addition
I am considering setting up a mailing list...it would be a one-way affair
used to notify list members of changes/additions/events that may be of
interest to Drake users.
Let me know your thoughts on that.

Looking forward to seeing everyone in these new venues.

Thom K3HRN
Drakelist mailing list

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