Dear Mailing-list member,

I have a 2 Node DRBD-Setup with 4 DRBD-Device. The Size of the drbd is ~ 400GB. 
After some Network Problems we started a "drbdadm verify mysql". After 1.5 
hours 85% were done. After that it got slower and slower. Now after 4 - 5 weeks 
the verify is 93%. What can we do to get a clean satisfaction. Here ist th 
current configuration of the DRBD-Resource:

resource mysql {

   disk {
        resync-rate 1000M;

  net {
        protocol C;
        verify-alg md5;
        allow-two-primaries no;
        after-sb-0pri discard-zero-changes;
        after-sb-1pri discard-secondary;
        after-sb-2pri disconnect;

  options {
        auto-promote no;
        on-no-data-accessible io-error;
  on node1 {
        device /dev/drbd1 minor 1;
        disk /dev/datavg/lv_mysql;
        address ipv4;
        meta-disk /dev/datavg/lv_metadata[1];
        node-id 1;

  on node2 {
        device /dev/drbd1 minor 1;
        disk /dev/datavg/lv_mysql;
        address ipv4;
        meta-disk /dev/datavg/lv_metadata[1];
        node-id 2;


Thank you in advance

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