Hi, I'm trying to configure drbd9 with openstack-cinder.
Actually my (simplified) infrastructure is composed by:
- 2 drbd9 nodes with 2 NICs on each node, one for the "replication" network
(without using a switch) and one for the "storage" network.
- 1 compute node with a dedicated NIC connected to the storage network
- 1 controller with openstack-cinder-volume installed on it.

Please, review the configuration at

My questions are:
1) Using the DRBD Transport, can I connect directly compute nodes to the
drbd storage without passing through the cinder-volume node?
2) if yes, what I have to install on each node? I suppose:
drbd9 kernel module + utils + drbdmanage on DRBD1 and DRBD2
drbd9 kernel module + utils on COMPUTE nodes
drbdmanage on openstack-cinder-volume (???)

3) How should I configure openstack-cinder-volume in drbdmanage???
(External node or whatelse?) Please note that replication network and
storage network are 2 different subnets! IPs I've used in drbdmanage when I
created the drbd cluster belongs to the replication network. Is this
correct? = replication network = storage network

I'm sorry, but I'm a bit confused about this configuration
Thank you,
drbd-user mailing list

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