-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n296 --------------

    001 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - 008- Dolly
    002 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - changes? The_wizard
    003 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - Living Dead

Electric Dreams: Dream Flow
A fountain of dreams in Cyberspace

--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n296.1 ---------------

From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 008- Dolly
Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 00:10:35 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

Dream Title              008- Dolly
Date of Dream            April...
Dream                    I know I've been analyzing this dream to death all 
day, but it has been the most vivid dream I've ever had since I was eight 
years old and had the dream of flying and driving. But anyways, here it 
goes. They say that everyone has two dreams a night. I know I had two 
dreams, but I couldn't remember the first one. It was the second one that 
got to me anyways. Ok, I am in the school but it doesn't seem like the 
school except for where the tech lab was. I remember that we were all there 
except Papa and that there were 3 squares in the middle of the floor 
somewhat distant from each other. They were squares of ice. The part from 
which I remember the most would have to start off with I think I was in a 
room, but there were three bodies on the ground and they were all bloody. 
There had been three deaths in the school. Murder, or suicide I didn't know 
which one. I remember that people had removed the bodies and there was a 
pitiful stain of blood on the tiles. I!
t seemed kind of gray and gloomy. What bothered me was that everyone acted 
like it wasn't anything big. There was a lady; I think she was in charge of 
handling the 'deaths'. I asked her why they weren't going to shut down that 
part of the school, and she replied, it's just a little blood. I 
specifically remember a large porcelain sink, three of them, all lined up 
together with stainless steel taps. They looked like basins. When she said 
that, I knew something was up. I also knew someone was beside me. He looked 
like the hall monitor in our school, but he was a man and a bit taller. I 
thought I'd said something to him, but as I type I realized I didn't speak 
to him at all. He followed me around giving me the creeps. I pretended to 
ignore him, but I knew he was there. We got out of the room and instead of 
being at the third floor where we were, we were on the main level at the 
back of the school where the staircases that lead to the adult center were. 
Where we played truth dare.!
  What was different was that it was a subway station that looked a bit 
like the old train stations from like the thirties. I had this vibe. I 
looked at the subway and knew something was going to happen with it. I 
looked up and saw a clock. I turned my head and felt the fear. It was odd. 
It was wrong. It was real. I think I talked to that guy, but I don't 
remember saying anything to him. The subway was about to leave when a loud 
alarm went off. My defenses kicked in, but I was paralyzed. The next thing 
I remember was seeing myself sitting in the train, as I was outside 
watching. The train, which seemed to be crashing into a wall, crumbling, 
crushing into itself actually wasn't. There were screams, so many bloody 
screams. At that point, I knew fear. I had never really feared anything 
before this, but this was of a different fear. This was a powerful fear. 
This fear did not exist in our world. This was the fear of hell. I was in 
hell. Whether there was fire or not, this was hell.!
  I turned around and was now facing the guy that was with me and not the 
train. I still heard the screams. I still felt the fear. The ground started 
to rumble a bit. And in my ignorance and stupidity I started to jump up and 
scream ' I knew it, I knew it! I knew something like this was going to 
happen'. The scariest part was this. I was facing the guy. He looked at me, 
blank faced. Lifted me up, both hands at my waist. I saw someone walk past 
me and it had a human body. It turned to face me and had the face of a 
monster. It did a kind of roar, and I was shaken. It walked away. I thought 
he was going to bring me over to somewhere safe, but I was too fixated on 
his eyes. There was something in them, something that shouldn't have been 
there. Uncertainty. He had no emotion but a thought. What he thought is 
hard to explain but I knew what it meant. I said something I shouldn't have 
said. I said something wrong. I said something that I wasn't meant to know. 
I was evil; I was to be r!
id of. I did not belong. What did I do? I was paralyzed again and allowed 
him to lift me. Looking into my eyes, and myself returning the gaze. He 
threw me into it. Into the hell into the bottomless pit of screaming, 
painful, agonizing screams. I still looked at him as I fell. I felt myself 
fall. I did not try and move. I let it be all the while thinking why did he 
push me? What did I do? How could he do this to me? What was it I said? I 
woke up paralyzed for about half an hour continuing to fall. I felt the 
fear. It was the most vivid next to his eyes. His cold blank eyes. His 
uncertain look. His flinch as I said it. WHY?!!! What did I do??!! I've 
been spending all day analyzing this. I have nothing more to say. I thought 
it was important I do this though. I may find some answers later. I must 
find the meaning.

Permission to Comment    yes_share_comments
Permission Comments      PLEASE if you have any comments, email me all the 
comments at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  This dream is part of the Dream Flow, a grassroots flow of dreams in 
cyberspace that includes many groups, including : 
DreamGate  www.dreamgate.com, The Dream Tree www.dreamtree.com, the 
Electric Dreams community, DreamaLittle Dream, DreaminWorld and many other 
dream sharing communities.

If you would like your comments to these dreams to get back to the 
dreamers, please remember to cc: to  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or even better, 
to put your comment in the dream flow form at

If you would like your own group to be part of the dream flow, contact 
Richard Wilkerson at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n296.2 ---------------

From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: changes? The_wizard
Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 13:47:10 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

Dream Title              changes? The_wizard
Date of Dream            11:00pm
Dream                    The dream starts with an ex-girlfriend and I enter 
the fouior of an apartment complex I used to live in. We turned to the 
right, went to the end of the hall and went into the apartment on the left. 
(in real life my apartment was at the opposite side of the building and on 
the right, so we should have turned left to get to where my appart6ment 
reall was).

When we entered the apartment we were in my new apartment at a different 
copmlex, then exited through the front door and went outside. all the 
people started harrassing her and I got mad and defended her. That was 
pretty much the dream.

Comments by Dreamer      Dream was in color, my ex-girlfriend was 
co-dependent as was I. My apartment was on the west end of the hall and you 
would have been on the right side. We turned to right (east) and entered 
the aparytment on the left. The dream also took place about 11:00pm at 
night and in the summer time.
Permission to Comment    yes_share_comments

--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n296.3 ---------------

From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Living Dead
Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 16:03:50 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

Dream Title              Living Dead by Tobi
Date of Dream            May 3,00
Dream                    Two of my three sisters die, but become living 
dead.  They look different and have no blood in their bodies.  I become a 
living dead person next. I am very pale and know that if I stop moving, my 
body will become stiff and I will no longer live.  I know the three of us 
will not be in this state long.  One sister understands and the other does 
not realize she is dead.(Linda) Linda ends up in Japan and me and my other 
sister are there too.  Linda is there for some reason and a young Japanese 
girl is going to show her around.  I don't understand why we

are in Japan, but confirm we are when I look out the window and see many 
Japanese people walking around.  My other sister and I are uneasy about the 
fact that Linda does not know she's dead and are looking after her.  I feel 
very uneasy about my state of being.
Comments by Dreamer      I can still remember how it felt to be dead but 
alive and it was the strangest feeling and what I believe it would actually 
feel like.  It was a very upsetting and scary dream for me.
Permission to Comment    yes_share_comments
Permission Comments      I would like interpretation and comments by others


  This dream is part of the Dream Flow, a grassroots flow of dreams in 
cyberspace that includes many groups, including : 
DreamGate  www.dreamgate.com, The Dream Tree www.dreamtree.com, the 
Electric Dreams community, DreamaLittle Dream, DreaminWorld and many other 
dream sharing communities.

If you would like your comments to these dreams to get back to the 
dreamers, please remember to cc: to  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or even better, 
to put your comment in the dream flow form at

If you would like your own group to be part of the dream flow, contact 
Richard Wilkerson at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n296 ---------------

dream-flow is for the sharing of dreams
Courtesy of DreamGate www.dreamgate.com

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