Gareth Hughes wrote:
> Brian Paul wrote:
> >
> > I've looked into this a bit more.  Looks like the token
> > is incorrectly defined to be 11 in
> > the current driver.  It should be 12 in order to support 2Kx2K
> > textures.  It looks like this can safely be changed from 11 to 12
> > without a kernel module version change.  However, I'm inclined
> > to save this change for the Mesa 3.5 DRI branch since I don't
> > want to accidently mess things up in the trunk code.
> >
> > Kevin or Gareth, does this ring a bell?  Is this in fact a mistake
> > or was there a reason for using 11 texture levels?
> That sounds fine.  We only need a single texture offset, and the mipmap
> levels are handled internally -- we don't need to specify each
> individual mipmap level offset.
> The change will affect the SAREA layout (if I remember correctly), but
> that's about it.  If there's a problem, let me know.

That's what I was worried about.  Changing the SAREA layout would
require bumping the version number.  However, I've grepped all the
Radeon sources and it doesn't appear that RADEON_MAX_TEXTURE_LEVELS 
is used at all in the SAREA or kernel code.  I'll have to do some
testing to verify that changing RADEON_MAX_TEXTURE_LEVELS won't
require a new version number.


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