Ian Molton wrote:
> Well, I've backed up the old website (except for the huge snapshots
> folder.
> I've also put the shell of the new site up. go to
> http://dri.sourceforge.net/new_site/ to see it.

It looks like it's got a way to go before it incorporates all of the content 
from the old site.  It seems like a bunch of small-but-useful things have gone 
missing, and possibly a couple of big things, too.

- There's no easy link to the sourceforge projects page.
- The 'status' page has disappeared
- The 'resources' page has disappeared
- All of the links in the 'developer' page point back to the 'developer' page.
- The 'help us' link dangles

And in general, I don't see what is so bad about the old layout, or why this 
layout is necessarily any better -- they're actually pretty similar, the older 
one having a little more 'chrome'...

What are the goals of this rewrite?  I'm not really sure what you're trying to 
achieve that couldn't be done just by updating the existing site on a 
case-by-case basis.


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