On Thu, Jul 11, 2002 at 06:10:01PM -0400, Mike Westall wrote:
> The attached program illustrates a shading anomaly 
> we have encountered while attempting to use autonormal
> in conjunction with nurbs.  
> The shading of the sphere is seriously screwed up 
> while running with indirect rendering on the standard
> X server packaged with RH 7.3.   It can be fixed by
> uncommenting the /* #define CORRECT 1 */ on line 8. 

Your example did fail for me on RH7.1 as well -- the sphere was rendered
in 4 "quarters" of solid shading, but a recent DRI build rendered it
just fine.  I'll take a screen shot when I'm back at work tomorrow...

> Oddly enough the EXACT problem that occurs with unaccelerated
> rendering on XFree86 also occurs with the OpenGL version
> that comes with recent Sun Solaris boxes.  Thus we 
> may well have a bug that is simply latent on SGI | NV. 

I ran the test on a Solaris 8 system with the OpenGL "ogl123_rt32_64"
downloaded from Sun's OpenGL for Solaris website (Ultra 10 with Elite3D
graphics) and it rendered correctly.


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