On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 06:55:20PM +0100, Andreas Stenglein wrote:
> setting RADEON_NO_VTXFMT=1 helped: no crashes
> setting RADEON_TCL_FORCE_DISABLE=1 helped, too
> using trunk: helped NOT
> using latest radeon.o from 2002-11-24 dri: helped NOT

This makes me wonder if it /might/ be releated to the secondary-color from
another thread in dri-devel.  Could you try editing radeon_context.c (or
r200_context.c, I don't remember which you're using) and remove the line:

In radeon_context.c it should be around line 177.  Re-build and install
radeon_dri.so, and try your test again.  If that makes the problem go away,
then that will narrow things down quite a bit.

You could also start your app from an ssh connection with gdb.  If the app
faults in radeon_SecondaryColor*, that will also narrow things down.

Smile!  http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap990315.html

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