On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 11:11:13AM -0600, D. Hageman wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, Alan Hourihane wrote:
> > For 'stable DRM' you need to stick with XFree86 4.2.0 and the DRM modules
> > that ship with 4.2.0. For 'DRM of the day' use the DRI trunk.
> I admit that your logic is sound, but answer me this:  Does one send the 
> changes back on the stable to the XFree86 team proper or to the DRI team?  
> The two group devel model gets kinda unwieldy at this point.   Right now 
> most vendors have to track the individual patches to XFree86 and DRI in 
> between releases ... and they kinda push the changes back into the code 
> base where they belong when they can.

I'd send stability changes directly to XFree86. Then the changes would go
straight into the stable branch of XFree86. There's a close working relationship
between the two groups anyway and if the XFree86 team want a quick response
from the DRI folks on a patch they've received then that would happen.


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