> There are now two patches, one from Egbert Eich (who reported the problem).  I 
> haven't had time to look at his as it changes some deep, dark, dri stuff that 
> I wasn't ever involved with, but looks sane nonetheless.  His avoids the error 
> reply from the X server, whereas mine copes with it once it arrives.  I'm not 
> sure either will help texobj which seems to be a malloc/free bug.

> I'm attaching both.  I actually think applying *both* is the way to go.

I didn't yet understand what this sould buy me with a Radeon7500, but at
least I have the impression that these patches don't do any harm to me when
running my beloved FlightGear,

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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