On Wed, Mar 05, 2003 at 10:24:12AM -0800, Ian Romanick wrote:
> José Fonseca wrote:
> >On Tue, Mar 04, 2003 at 11:10:02PM -0800, Ian Romanick wrote:
> >
> >>Jens Owen wrote:
> >>
> >>>Concern #1:  Acceptance into XFree86, etc.  Creating dependencies on 
> >>>C++ compilers could be a big issue for some of the major projects 
> >>>that utilize our code.
> >>
> >>This is probably the biggest issue.  I think if we agree to use a 
> >>reasonable subset of C++, we should have a good chance.  This is 
> >>probably something we should bring up on [EMAIL PROTECTED] sooner rather 
> >>than later.
> >
> >I don't know, Ian... It will only start a flame where people would step
> >in to say "how C++ is the holy grail" or "how C++ is evil"... How can it
> >not be, if people in [EMAIL PROTECTED] have nothing else to base their
> >opinions? A 3D driver is a complex beast - I myself can't yet picture
> >how everything detail will fit in the final picture, most people here on
> >DRI devel can't imagine either just by my descriptions, so how can the
> >people of [EMAIL PROTECTED] understand the need to use C++ in a 3D driver?
> >
> >On the other hand, if we manage to write something which is actually
> >used and yields significant advantages, how can they possibly dismiss
> >it?
> And there's the problem.  Do we ask permission or beg forgiveness?  I 
> would sure hate to do a whole bunch of work, improve the drivers, and 
> have it all rejected.  The people that control what gets into XFree86 
> are on devel, not dri-devel (AFAIK).

I really hate to have to discuss this kind of hypothetical scenarios
involving people actions, but:
 - if in the remote chance that the C++ framework sucks big time and
   doesn't deliver the expected goods: I don't expect anything else than
   blunt rejection from XFree86.org. Hopefully the OOP conceptualization
   made is useful enough to be worth to reimplement it in plain C, and a
   "C driver framework" can be made.  (PS: I've more faith in winning
   the jackpot than this to happen )
 - if in the chance that C++ framework delivers the expected goods, but
   it's rejected by XFree86.org: I don't care. I'll keep working on the
   framework and write drivers for it and make them available.
   Alternatives are a good thing.
 - in the more likely scenario that the C++ framework is everything it
   promises and is accepted by XFree86: great! Next step: world
 - if I actually *win* the jackpot: I never get a job and spend the rest
   of my life writting open-source software...!  (PS: Unfortunatly I don't
   play... so a life of dull mechanical engineer by day and crazy OSS
   developer by night awaits me ;-)

My point with this is that, at least as far as 3D drivers are concerned,
the objectivity of having a good work done is much more important that
the subjectivity of acceptance.

> >If you want, you can ping opinions on the [EMAIL PROTECTED], but if that
> >turns into a flame on the C++ language I'll bail out immediately - it's
> >pointless to argue such things and I'd rather invest that energy in
> >coding.  I'd really prefer waiting to have something to show.
> I agree 100%.  At the same time, that can be a good litmus test.  If it 
> instantly degrades into flames, then now is probably not the right time.
> All that said, I would *REALLY* like to see this happen.  I would 
> especially like to see this happen quickly so that some of the new 

Hurries are a no-no, especially in OSS development. But as I said in IRC
I hope in a month to have the Mesa wrapper stable. At that point things
can go faster.

(BTW, I have to start cutting on emails, as they're cutting my time to
develop... :-/)

> drivers (Savage & i740) can make use of it from the get-go.  Having 
> drivers that ONLY exist using the "new" framework would probably help 
> our case.   Esp. if we can show that the drivers took less time to 
> develop because of the C++ framework. :)


José Fonseca
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