On Sat, Jun 28, 2003 at 04:18:15PM +0200, Dieter Nützel wrote:
> Mesa3d seems to be affected, too.
> No mesa CVS update for 10 days, now ;-(
> My DRI CVS is 12 days old...
> No chance from "old Europe" anymore?

I've just checked and the tarballs in
http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cvstarballs/projectname-cvsroot.tar.gz for
DRI and Mesa3d are just as old as the anonymous CVS server, and from the
SF documents there is no other way to directly access the repository
(except contact the SF team, but you can't put that in a cron job, can
you? ;-)

Basically this means that CVS mirroring is impossible and the only
solution to the current problem is to move the repository elsewhere.

I don't know why the silence from the DRI SF project admins - I'm CC'ing
to them now (at least those currently in the active) in the hope to hear
what they have to say about this. 

I remind again that this issue should be presented to the SF team to
know what's their position and what to expect from the future. This
issue [of the unreliable CVS anonymous serving] together with the recent
news of closing inactive and old projects may well be a sign that SF is
saturating again, but this time the saturation appears to be fought not
by further investment, but degrading the quality of the services. If
true then it's a matter of time to collapse, or at least be unusable for
big projects such as DRI.

In my opinion we should consider alternatives for CVS hosting. It's not
such a big deal after all (except for the hassle of setting up a new
project and accounts) and we can always go back without loss of data.

My 2c anyway...

José Fonseca

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