> > I used the texenv demos from Mesa 5.0 to test this, I tested it with the
> > old driver and this one, and they both look the same..
> Have you tried it with anything else?  Quake3?  Think Tanks demo?  Any
> of the other Mesa demos?

well I've got a very limited test system, it's NFSrooted of my main
system, am getting an in-house i810 board soon hopefully at home so I can
do some better work on it ...

> looks different than with the software rasterizer (i.e.,
> LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=y)?  Could you make a screen shot available?

looks the same with LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT...but for some reason I can't
screen grab it .. I'll post some shots at

in a minute or two, one from my Nvidia and one from my i810, if someone
could give texenv a go on something else, and tell me what it looks like

The code is knocked off from the i830 alright, with the 32-bit stuff
ripped out, the textures fixed for texenv.. my only worry is the ycbcr
ones.. any good ycbcr tests out there?

I'll check it in, as it shouldn't break anything ...

p.s. I'll be getting a radeon mobility 7500, and mobility 9000 in the next
few weeks hopefully (have specs already), so I might get some time on that
all else depending.... company are considering using an in-house AGP card
with mobility to supplement the i810 for some applications...

David Airlie, Software Engineer
http://www.skynet.ie/~airlied / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
pam_smb / Linux DECstation / Linux VAX / ILUG person

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