On Fri, 19 Aug 2005, Jaakko Niemi wrote:

On Fri, 19 Aug 2005, Vladimir Dergachev wrote:
       * Can you get PCI-Express cards to do a tiny bit more (like get
         2d working) than they do now - patch is fine.

I'm writing this from a screen run on a Radeon X700 Pro,
on pci-e bus, with the xorg packages from Debian unstable.
Are there pci-e cards that do not even work in 2d?

Does the log file say "DRI enabled" ?

What I meant is to get 2d working using DRI driver (i.e. submitting commands using CP engine, rather than MMIO registers as happens without DRM driver loaded).

As for 3d, just let me know what register dumps are
needed... Unfortunately I don't have time to dig into
the driver.

Someone else would have to answer this - there are a ton of registers and I don't know which ones are important for PCIe.

                     thank you !

                          Vladimir Dergachev


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