Howdy John (thanks for the pointer deref, James)--

drools is still trying to find its way, at this point.

It started as an independant project, but now it's looking like
(hopefully) my Day Job will buy into it also.

While the current code-base is 'from scratch', I may actually
start over again, and base it upon the JEOPS rule engine.

JEOPS seems to have stalled, and requires you to compile
your rules into .java files, which you then compile into
.class files.  Which is a pain.

So, I may be looking to take JEOPS and...

        a) Make it compatible with JDK 1.4
           (rename 'assert()' method so as not to
           comflict with the new 'assert' keyword.
           Change usage of Vector ot ArrayList, etc)

        b) Make the rules themselves interpreted,
           instead of compile.

        c) Add time-knowledge components, so that
           you can perform time-based rules (ie,
           trouble-ticket escalation after X minutes).

I have no clue about .Net really, but I have a feeling
that the changes in (b) would make life difficult.

Though, you may be able to 'port' it to the new 
.Net Visual J#, or something.

Anyhow, I'm not at all offended and would be more than
happy to work with you to accomplish everyone's goals.



On Sat, 13 Oct 2001, James Strachan wrote:

> Hi John
> Actually its Bob's project not mine, though I'm interested in drools and am
> tracking it closely.
> Just a thought; why not develop all the code as Java then just have a
> bytecode / java transformer to turn it into C#? It seems to me that C# is a
> Java clone so why not just put some effort into a Java -> C# compiler
> instead? That'd be much more useful to C# folks and would avoid dual coding
> on many projects.
> James
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "John P.Sheppard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2001 4:53 AM
> Subject: A question pertaining to DROOL's
> > Hi,
> >   I know this is going to sound like kind of a bizarre
> > question, and I don't want to offend you by it.  Would you
> > ever consider a port to the MS .NET framework using C#?
> >   Let me tell you why I am asking this question.  I have
> > been searching high and low for a rule engine for the .NET
> > framework and, to be quite frank, there is none.  I would
> > like to volunteer for porting DROOL to the .NET platform.
> > I have already downloaded the source code and ran it
> > through Togethersoft 5.5 and skinned out the classes to
> > C#.  I won't flesh out any of the classes unless you and
> > your team buy into the idea of the port.  I also think that
> > I could contribute to the overall progress of the project.
> >
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