Mark H. Wood wrote:
> I understand the desire to avoid unnecessary platform dependencies,
> but I appreciate having the scripts -- those class names are soooo
> long and hard to remember.  When I have need of a commandline tool
> from DSpace for which there is no script, I tend to write my own
> script even for a single use.
<flamebait><theonetrueanswer> Isn't bash available on all platforms? 
> Maybe the scripts should be modularized out of the base package?
> There could be a "sh scripts" add-on, a "cmd scripts" add-on, and
> perhaps others as needed.
I'm uncomfortable with this, due to issues like drift and feature parity.
> Or maybe we just need to extend dsrun so that it can look those
> entrypoints up for us.  If I could use 'dsrun ItemImporter' rather
> than 'dsrun long.path.through.the.namespace.itemImporter.ItemImporter'
> then I might not need the scripts so much.  This being Java, dsrun
> could rummage through the classpath to find all of the methods with
> the necessary signature, show a list if requested, and recognize
> abbreviated names.  (Actually it might be better to define a common
> interface for classes which expose commandline tools, both as a marker
> for ease of introspection and to require the implementation of a
> method which returns a brief description of the command.)
> Hmmm, it would probably be good to do both.
I like this direction, if we're unable to embrace the one true answer.

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