Hi All,

I've updated the demo.dspace.org site to reflect some changes.

1) There is a DEMO Hedtek REST API
<http://demo.dspace.org/rest-hedtek/>being hosted on the demo.dspace
site now, it spits out data from the
demo.dspace.org repository. This is a read-only API that outputs DSpace
content in JSON or XML for various endpoints (communities, collections,
items, bitstreams, eperson, groups), it also allows for Searching, and to
harvest a repository over specified time ranges.

2) I've added a simple kick-the-tires REST API Client application that
talks SOLELY with the above hedtek REST API. Its name for now can be
called DSpace
API Client Play! <http://dspace-rest-client-play.herokuapp.com/>.

Instead of laboring to modify JSPUI or XMLUI to use the REST API, I figured
it would be easier to test the REST API, but starting from scratch. It is
built in the Java Play! Framework (if I were to do this again, I'd probably
start with Ruby on Rails) . The goal of this project is quick kick the
tires, and somewhat replicate the DSpace browse experience through this UI,
using the REST API as the data-source. Thus far you can see top-level
communities, show a specific community, browse its sub-collections,
sub-communities, and get to Items. The Bitstream portion isn't built yet.

So, I just wanted to let you all know about these changes, and to invite
you to take a look, give feedback, and get familiar. I don't have any
experience with the Wijiti DSpace API, which is why I haven't put it up on
the dspace demo site. Anyone who wants to can feel free to put that up
there too.

Peter Dietz
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