Hi Jude,

   I'm sorry about to hear that you guys got problems, you could check out
the link below, to help you think about what you can do.



Best regards
Luiz Claudio Santos

On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 9:13 AM, Shedd, Julie <jsh...@library.msstate.edu>

> Yeah, I pretty much am that team. J It was originally set up by our old
> webmaster, who has since left for another position. I do all the
> customization and maintenance/acceptance of content; our sysadmin maintains
> our server environment; but that’s it. Neither of us have made any changes
> to customization or DSpace’s server for months.
> DSpace has been…problematic for us from the start (probably because we
> don’t have anyone else to work on it), so at this point no odd malfunction
> surprises me. J We will keep an eye on it and see if any permanent fixes
> present themselves.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------
> *   Julie D. Shedd*
> *   Digital Initiatives Librarian, Mississippi State University Libraries
> <http://library.msstate.edu/>*
>    (662) 325-0300 | jsh...@library.msstate.edu |
> http://library.msstate.edu/juliedshedd
> *From:* Alan Orth [mailto:alan.o...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Friday, September 23, 2016 3:47 AM
> *To:* Shedd, Julie <jsh...@library.msstate.edu>
> *Cc:* George Kozak <gkoz...@gmail.com>; DSpace Technical Support <
> dspace-tech@googlegroups.com>; Huddleston, Paul <
> phuddles...@library.msstate.edu>; MML-HelpDesk <
> mhelpd...@library.msstate.edu>
> *Subject:* Re: [dspace-tech] "Front page content" not displaying
> Glad to know it helped, but it's obviously not a permanent solution.
> Are you in touch with anyone from the team that runs the site? Maybe they
> are doing something on the Tomcat side that needs tweaking. We used to have
> problems with caching in our XMLUI themes a few years ago, and we had to
> tweak the Cocoon pipelines[0], though this isn't a problem in DSpace 5+
> with Mirage 2 themes. The only time I manually clear the XMLUI caches is
> every few weeks after we do updates to theme code, indexes, etc.
> Cheers,
> [0] https://mjanja.ch/2013/04/erroneous-xmlui-caching-on-dspace-1-7/
> On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 7:23 PM, Shedd, Julie <jsh...@library.msstate.edu>
> wrote:
> It really is the darndest thing. Initially un-logged-in: incorrect view.
> Logged-in: correct view. Logged-out-again: correct view.
> I tried Alan’s solution and it appears to have done the trick – I’m having
> others check and they are reporting that while the site is slow (which is
> not new) once it loads, it loads correctly. Thanks, Alan!
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------
> *   Julie D. Shedd*
> *   Digital Initiatives Librarian, **Mississippi State University
> Libraries* <http://library.msstate.edu/>
>    (662) 325-0300 | jsh...@library.msstate.edu |
> http://library.msstate.edu/juliedshedd
> *From:* Alan Orth [mailto:alan.o...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 21, 2016 11:40 PM
> *To:* George Kozak <gkoz...@gmail.com>; Shedd, Julie <
> jsh...@library.msstate.edu>
> *Cc:* DSpace Technical Support <dspace-tech@googlegroups.com>;
> Huddleston, Paul <phuddles...@library.msstate.edu>; MML-HelpDesk <
> mhelpd...@library.msstate.edu>
> *Subject:* Re: [dspace-tech] "Front page content" not displaying
> Julie,
> What if you clear the XMLUI cache from the DSpace control panel (under
> Java settings)? Also, if you're feeling adventurous, in Chrome or Firefox,
> you could try opening the developer tools (F12 probably) and look for
> errors, like scripts or images that have failed to load for some reason.
> Regards
> On Thu, Sep 22, 2016, 02:45 George Kozak <gkoz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Julie:
> Hmmmm...so if you're not logged in, the view is correct?   This has me
> stumped.  Maybe someone else may have an idea.   I wonder if there is
> something with the CSS?
> Sorry I can't be of more help.
> George Kozak
> Cornell University
> On Wednesday, September 21, 2016, Shedd, Julie <jsh...@library.msstate.edu>
> wrote:
> That could be, I suppose. We haven’t been updating the permissions,
> either, though, and the problem only started last week – what might have
> caused the change?
> Also, I noticed after I log out, I still get the “correct” view. Odd.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------
> *   Julie D. Shedd*
> *   Digital Initiatives Librarian, **Mississippi State University
> Libraries* <http://library.msstate.edu/>
>    (662) 325-0300 | jsh...@library.msstate.edu |
> http://library.msstate.edu/juliedshedd
> *From:* George Kozak [mailto:gkoz...@gmail.com <gkoz...@gmail.com>]
> *Sent:* Monday, September 19, 2016 6:55 PM
> *To:* Shedd, Julie <jsh...@library.msstate.edu>
> *Cc:* DSpace Technical Support <dspace-tech@googlegroups.com>;
> Huddleston, Paul <phuddles...@library.msstate.edu>; MML-HelpDesk <
> mhelpd...@library.msstate.edu>
> *Subject:* Re: [dspace-tech] "Front page content" not displaying
> Julie:
> This may not be your problem, but, in the past, we had this problem if
> there was some html coding problem with the content of our home page.  In
> our case, we have code that modifies the content of the home page on a
> daily basis, and sometimes our html comes out malformed, and XSLT chokes on
> malformed html.  However, since you are not changing the home page, could
> it be some kind of permission problem?
> George Kozak
> Digital Library Specialist
> Cornell University
> On Monday, September 19, 2016, Julie Shedd <jsh...@library.msstate.edu>
> wrote:
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-CHa0hg5OKMU/V-BR42Q0JJI/AAAAAAAAEFo/BULzDXK90Y4_uq8dSmUKHWDM3C5pVTtDwCLcB/s1600/MSUIR_screencap_1.jpg>
> Hi all -
> I have an odd problem.
> We are running DSpace 5.5 with the Mirage2 XMLUI. We have not made any
> changes to the interface in quite a while (months), although we have been
> uploading materials and processing submitted materials.
> The problem is this: For anyone not logged in, as well as for me when I
> log in with email address and password, the "intro" content is not
> displaying on the front page; the first thing that displays in the main
> content area is the Recently Added submissions (see MSUIR_screencap_1).
> But for users who are logged in via Shibboleth, the front page displays
> correctly (see MSUIR_screencap_2).
> Any idea what is happening here? We've restarted Tomcat, reloaded XMLUI,
> rebooted the server. It appears to be happening in Firefox, Chrome, and IE
> at least.
> (Please keep in mind we are minus any "actual" developers right now and
> feel free to dumb it down. :) )
> Thanks for any info you can provide!
> --
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> ***************************
> George Kozak
> Digital Library Specialist
> Cornell University Library - IT
> 218 Olin Library
> Cornell University
> Ithaca, NY 14853
> 607-255-8924
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-CHa0hg5OKMU/V-BR42Q0JJI/AAAAAAAAEFo/BULzDXK90Y4_uq8dSmUKHWDM3C5pVTtDwCLcB/s1600/MSUIR_screencap_1.jpg>
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> ***************************
> George Kozak
> Digital Library Specialist
> Cornell University Library - IT
> 218 Olin Library
> Cornell University
> Ithaca, NY 14853
> 607-255-8924
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-CHa0hg5OKMU/V-BR42Q0JJI/AAAAAAAAEFo/BULzDXK90Y4_uq8dSmUKHWDM3C5pVTtDwCLcB/s1600/MSUIR_screencap_1.jpg>
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> Alan Orth
> *alan.o...@gmail.com*
> *https://englishbulgaria.net*
> *https://alaninkenya.org*
> *https://mjanja.ch*
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> Alan Orth
> *alan.o...@gmail.com*
> *https://englishbulgaria.net*
> *https://alaninkenya.org*
> *https://mjanja.ch*
> "In heaven all the interesting people are missing." ―Friedrich Nietzsche
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