Hi Kim,

Thanks for the info, I never thought the 
HierarchicalSidebarFacetConfiguration can be used in fields that are 
not Hierarchical (taxonomies based). Your suggestion is all I need to 
achieve the sidebar facets for series entries. One thing to note is I added 
the <property name="skipFirstNodeLevel" value="false"/> such that users 
will see the Series statement first (or the text before the semicolon).

With regards to Browse by, I am not talking about search filter as per your 
description below but rather adding an webui.browse.index.5 = 
series:metadata:dc.relation.ispartofseries:text in the Browse Configuration 
found in dspace.cfg. I believe what I want is impossible without using an 
'ugly' hack. Right now I'm contented with just implementing sidebar facets 
for series entries.

Thanks again.

On Monday, January 23, 2017 at 9:10:24 AM UTC+8, Kim Shepherd wrote:
> Hi euler,
> Is it possible that, at least for the sidebar issue, you could use 
> HierarchicalSidebarFacetConfiguration to end up with terms split on the 
> semicolon, and also displayed in a hierarchy so people have to click eg. 
> "technical report" first, then the series number they're interested in?
> You'll find this config in $dspace/config/modules/spring/discovery.xml
> Here's how the (out of box) searchFilter version does it, splitting by :: 
> so that LCSH subjects get split and tiered appropriately 
>     <bean id="searchFilterSubject" class=
> "org.dspace.discovery.configuration.HierarchicalSidebarFacetConfiguration"
> >
>         <property name="indexFieldName" value="subject"/>
>         <property name="metadataFields">
>             <list>
>                 <value>dc.subject.*</value>
>             </list>
>         </property>
>         <property name="facetLimit" value="10"/>
>         <property name="sortOrderSidebar" value="COUNT"/>
>         <property name="sortOrderFilterPage" value="COUNT"/>
>         <property name="splitter" value="::"/>
>     </bean>
> You could do something quite similar, such as:
>     <bean id="searchFilterReportSeries" class=
> "org.dspace.discovery.configuration.HierarchicalSidebarFacetConfiguration"
> >
>         <property name="indexFieldName" value="series"/>
>         <property name="metadataFields">
>             <list>
>                 <value>dc.whatever.field.you.use.*</value>
>             </list>
>         </property>
>         <property name="facetLimit" value="10"/>
>         <property name="sortOrderSidebar" value="COUNT"/>
>         <property name="sortOrderFilterPage" value="COUNT"/>
>         <property name="splitter" value=";"/>
>     </bean>
> Just adjust the values like facetLimit, metadataFields (set it to the 
> field name you're using for the full concatenated value) until it's doing 
> what you like.
> It's possible that other SidebarFacetConfiguration field classes accept a 
> 'splitter' property too, not just the Hierarchical version. If that's the 
> case, you could also play with that and see if that ends up better than a 
> strict hierarchy for your needs.
> If you need to go further than this, it might be time to think about a 
> custom bean you can plug into the discovery spring configuration like 
> edu.yourinstitution.repository.discovery.AggregatedTechnicalReportFilterFacetConfiguration,
> that does the splitting and any other manipulation needed at index or query 
> time. (when I need to get tricky like this, I usually spend some time 
> playing in the solr schema directly so I know exactly how I want the field 
> treated at index and query time from solr's perspective)
> RE: Browse By, I think all that's necessary for it to work the way you 
> want is for it to be a filter type as well, but if you don't get it for 
> free in the hierarchical example above, you might want to look at a 
> non-facet filter class to go along with the hierarchical facet, hopefully 
> it allows a splitter property or you might have to make a slightly 
> customised version of DiscoverySearchFilter. The "title" filter, for 
> example, just looks like below (and doesn't also appear as a facet)
>     <bean id="searchFilterTitle" class=
> "org.dspace.discovery.configuration.DiscoverySearchFilter">
>         <property name="indexFieldName" value="title"/>
>         <property name="metadataFields">
>             <list>
>                 <value>dc.title</value>
>             </list>
>         </property>
>     </bean>
> Hope this helps!
> Cheers
> Kim
> On Saturday, January 21, 2017 at 8:09:33 PM UTC+13, euler wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I received a request to add a Browse by and sidebar facet for series in 
>> the repository I'm working on. The problem is that the series field 
>> contains 1) Series statement and 2) Volume number/sequential designation. 
>> For example, Technical report ; no. 1, Technical report ; no. 2, Technical 
>> report ; no. 3, and so on and so forth. If I create a new browse by index 
>> and sidebar facet for the series statement, it will not aggregate the 
>> series title Technical report but will instead create individual entries 
>> for each series number. So my question is how to aggregate the series 
>> entries in the browse by index and sidebar facets?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> euler

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