Hi guys,

I had similar problems.
You need to see what you will receive from Shibboleth Provider via Headers 
(in /shibboleth/attribute-map.xml) There should be something like uid, 
mail, givenname etc)
Then in [dspace]/config/modules/authentication-shiboleth, instead of 
SHIB_NETID, SHIB_MAIL, SHIB_GIVENNAME etc , put the values from 
attribute-map.xml ^ 
Hope that will help. I was spending an entire week trying to figure it >))

Kind regards,
Stelica Valianos

throwaway 8768629769 schrieb am Donnerstag, 14. Oktober 2021 um 15:53:33 

> Darryl did you find a solution? I just ran into the same issue.
> Kind regards,
> Mirko Grothe
> darryl....@usask.ca schrieb am Freitag, 1. Oktober 2021 um 18:38:47 UTC:
>> Ciprian, did you manage to sort this out?  I'm running into the same 
>> situation.  DSpace logs show:
>> 2021-10-01 12:01:34,276 DEBUG unknown unknown 
>> org.dspace.authenticate.ShibAuthentication @ ShibAuthentication - attribute 
>> uid is empty!
>> 2021-10-01 12:01:34,276 DEBUG unknown unknown 
>> org.dspace.authenticate.ShibAuthentication @ ShibAuthentication - attribute 
>> mail is empty!
>> 2021-10-01 12:01:34,276 ERROR unknown unknown 
>> org.dspace.authenticate.ShibAuthentication @ Shibboleth authentication was 
>> not able to find a NetId, Email, or Tomcat Remote user for which to 
>> indentify a user from.
>> 2021-10-01 12:01:34,276 DEBUG unknown unknown 
>> org.dspace.authenticate.ShibAuthentication @ ShibAuthentication - attribute 
>> uid is empty!
>> 2021-10-01 12:01:34,276 DEBUG unknown unknown 
>> org.dspace.authenticate.ShibAuthentication @ ShibAuthentication - attribute 
>> mail is empty!
>> 2021-10-01 12:01:34,276 DEBUG unknown unknown 
>> org.dspace.authenticate.ShibAuthentication @ ShibAuthentication - attribute 
>> nickname is empty!
>> 2021-10-01 12:01:34,277 DEBUG unknown unknown 
>> org.dspace.authenticate.ShibAuthentication @ ShibAuthentication - attribute 
>> sn is empty!
>> 2021-10-01 12:01:34,283 ERROR unknown unknown 
>> org.dspace.authenticate.ShibAuthentication @ Unable to register new eperson 
>> because we are unable to find an email address along with first and last 
>> name for the user.
>> NetId Header: 'uid'='null' (Optional)
>> Email Header: 'mail'='null'
>> First Name Header: 'nickname'='null'
>> Last Name Header: 'sn'='null'
>> but /Shibboleth.sso/Session does indeed show that SHib auth was 
>> successful and that the attributes returned match my local.cfg values.  
>>  Nothing else in the logs really stands out as an issue. It seems to me 
>> that DSpace isn't getting the Shib attributes.  I've tried with ShibHeaders 
>> on and off; I have the AJP stuff setup correctly (I think).
>> I'm curious if and how you managed to get this to work
>> Thanks!
>> *Darryl Friesen**, BSc*
>> Programmer/Analyst
>> *University of Saskatchewan**ICT / University Library*
>> On Tuesday, August 4, 2020 at 9:55:33 AM UTC-6 Tim Donohue wrote:
>>> Have you double checked in your Shibboleth setup that your 
>>> "email-header" is named "mail"?
>>> I still think this setting looks odd to me:
>>> authentication-shibboleth.email-header = mail
>>> It is completely possible that I'm wrong.  But, almost every error 
>>> message (and info message) you've passed along references a "null" or 
>>> "empty" value for "mail" (or email).  That implies to me that this setting 
>>> may not be correct for your Shibboleth setup.
>>> All that said, I have to admit here, I'm hitting up against the limits 
>>> of my Shibboleth knowledge.  I'm *not* a Shibboleth expert, but can only 
>>> advise you on which configurations might not be working as expected.  In 
>>> this scenario, it seems likely to me that your "email-header" setting is 
>>> incorrect...but, I don't know what it should be changed to (you may need to 
>>> talk to your Shibboleth administrator). 
>>> I wish I had better advice, but maybe someone else on this list might 
>>> have an idea of what is going on.  This doesn't seem like a DSpace 7 
>>> specific issue to me, but more like a possible misconfiguration of the 
>>> DSpace Shibboleth settings.
>>> Tim
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Ciprian Pinzaru <ciprian...@gmail.com>
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 4, 2020 10:38 AM
>>> *To:* Tim Donohue <tim.d...@lyrasis.org>; DSpace Technical Support <
>>> dspac...@googlegroups.com>
>>> *Subject:* Re: [dspace-tech] Dspace 7 shibboleth error
>>> I find an message like:
>>> INFO  org.dspace.app.rest.security.EPersonRestAuthenticationProvider @ 
>>> anonymous::failed_login:email=null, result=4
>>> 2020-08-04 18:12:57,053 INFO  
>>> org.springframework.security.web.DefaultSecurityFilterChain @ Creating 
>>> filter chain: Ant [pattern='/api/**'], 
>>> [org.springframework.security.web.context.request.async.WebAsyncManagerIntegrationFilter@43d7f719,
>>> org.springframework.security.web.context.SecurityContextPersistenceFilter@e5c20f0,
>>> org.springframework.security.web.header.HeaderWriterFilter@148a6d4b, 
>>> org.springframework.web.filter.CorsFilter@8eb6f8d, 
>>> org.dspace.app.rest.security.StatelessAuthenticationFilter@1bd3eb22, 
>>> org.dspace.app.rest.security.StatelessLoginFilter@44823e3, 
>>> org.dspace.app.rest.security.ShibbolethAuthenticationFilter@785b634c, 
>>> org.springframework.security.web.authentication.logout.LogoutFilter@1f754887,
>>> org.dspace.app.rest.security.AnonymousAdditionalAuthorizationFilter@2b9feccd,
>>> org.springframework.security.web.savedrequest.RequestCacheAwareFilter@1ab55f03,
>>> org.springframework.security.web.servletapi.SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter@60b02a97,
>>> org.springframework.security.web.authentication.AnonymousAuthenticationFilter@2f918867,
>>> org.springframework.security.web.session.SessionManagementFilter@3fa4fdb9, 
>>> org.springframework.security.web.access.ExceptionTranslationFilter@5effff08,
>>> org.springframework.security.web.access.intercept.FilterSecurityInterceptor@647f6f74]
>>> 2020-08-04 18:14:33,306 DEBUG 
>>> org.dspace.app.rest.security.ShibbolethAuthenticationFilter @ Request is to 
>>> process authentication
>>> but not your message.
>>> On 04/08/2020 18:17, Tim Donohue wrote:
>>> Based on your configuration, you may want to look closely at the 
>>> dspace.log to see what the "INFO" messages say just before you hit errors. 
>>> You *might* see something like:
>>> "Unable to identify EPerson based upon Shibboleth email header: mail" 
>>> If you see that message, then this setting is *incorrect* for your 
>>> Shibboleth installation:
>>> authentication-shibboleth.email-header = mail
>>> If that's the case, you'll need to see what the correct setting for this 
>>> "email-header" is for your Shibboleth, or possibly choose to switch to 
>>> using the "netid-header" setting instead (if that's easier to use based on 
>>> your Shibboleth setup). Every Shibboleth setup is slightly different, so 
>>> unfortunately I cannot tell you what the correct configuration is for your 
>>> setup.
>>> In general, you may want to read through the Shibboleth configuration 
>>> options listed here: 
>>> https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/DSDOC6x/Authentication+Plugins#AuthenticationPlugins-DSpaceShibbolethConfigurationOptions
>>>  Then, decide which should work best for your Shibboleth setup.
>>> Tim
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Ciprian Pinzaru <ciprian...@gmail.com>
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 4, 2020 9:51 AM
>>> *To:* Tim Donohue <tim.d...@lyrasis.org>; DSpace Technical Support 
>>> <dspac...@googlegroups.com>
>>> *Subject:* Re: [dspace-tech] Dspace 7 shibboleth error 
>>> Dear Tim,
>>> I have the configuration:
>>> authentication-shibboleth.lazysession = true
>>> authentication-shibboleth.lazysession.loginurl = /Shibboleth.sso/Login
>>> authentication-shibboleth.lazysession.secure = true
>>> authentication-shibboleth.email-header = mail
>>> authentication-shibboleth.email-use-tomcat-remote-user = false
>>> authentication-shibboleth.autoregister = true
>>> authentication-shibboleth.sword.compatibility = false
>>> authentication-shibboleth.firstname-header = givenName
>>> authentication-shibboleth.lastname-header = sn
>>> authentication-shibboleth.eperson.metadata.autocreate = true
>>> authentication-shibboleth.reconvert.attributes = false
>>> default-roles = internal
>>> role.internal = ETDR_AUTO
>>> authentication-shibboleth.role-header = SHIB-SCOPED-AFFILIATION
>>> authentication-shibboleth.role-header.ignore-scope = true
>>> Ciprian
>>> On 04/08/2020 17:47, Tim Donohue wrote:
>>> Just a guess, but have you filled out the settings in your 
>>> "authentication-shibboleth.cfg" file? 
>>> https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/blob/main/dspace/config/modules/authentication-shibboleth.cfg
>>> DSpace needs to know which authentication header(s) are available in 
>>> your Shibboleth in order to authenticate.  So, usually you'd need to tell 
>>> DSpace either the "netid-header", "email-header", or fallback to using 
>>> Tomcat's remove user.  See this section:
>>> https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/blob/main/dspace/config/modules/authentication-shibboleth.cfg#L49-L95
>>> This is the same Shibboleth configuration that DSpace used in DSpace v6, 
>>> so you can also reference those docs for more info: 
>>> https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/DSDOC6x/Authentication+Plugins#AuthenticationPlugins-ShibbolethAuthentication
>>> Once DSpace 7 is getting closer to production-ready, we'll have a better 
>>> guide specific to DSpace 7 obviously.
>>> Tim
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* dspac...@googlegroups.com <dspac...@googlegroups.com> on behalf 
>>> of Ciprian Pinzaru <ciprian...@gmail.com>
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 4, 2020 3:38 AM
>>> *To:* DSpace Technical Support <dspac...@googlegroups.com>
>>> *Subject:* [dspace-tech] Dspace 7 shibboleth error 
>>> Dear community, 
>>> Please help me to fix the authentication error with  shibboleth and 
>>> Dspace 7 beta 3
>>> In the browser I have the message:
>>> Whitelabel Error Page 
>>> This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing 
>>> this as a fallback.
>>> Tue Aug 04 11:09:27 EEST 2020
>>> There was an unexpected error (type=Unauthorized, status=401).
>>> Login failed
>>> in the dspace logs:
>>> 2020-08-04 11:17:39,880 DEBUG org.dspace.authenticate.ShibAuthentication 
>>> @ ShibAuthentication - attribute mail is empty!
>>> 2020-08-04 11:17:39,880 ERROR org.dspace.authenticate.ShibAuthentication 
>>> @ Shibboleth authentication was not able to find a NetId, Email, or Tomcat 
>>> Remote user for which to indentify a user from.
>>> 2020-08-04 11:17:39,881 DEBUG org.dspace.authenticate.ShibAuthentication 
>>> @ ShibAuthentication - attribute mail is empty!
>>> 2020-08-04 11:17:39,881 DEBUG org.dspace.authenticate.ShibAuthentication 
>>> @ ShibAuthentication - attribute givenName is empty!
>>> 2020-08-04 11:17:39,881 DEBUG org.dspace.authenticate.ShibAuthentication 
>>> @ ShibAuthentication - attribute sn is empty!
>>> 2020-08-04 11:17:39,899 ERROR org.dspace.authenticate.ShibAuthentication 
>>> @ Unable to register new eperson because we are unable to find an email 
>>> address along with first and last name for the user.
>>>   NetId Header: 'null'='null' (Optional) 
>>>   Email Header: 'mail'='null' 
>>>   First Name Header: 'givenName'='null' 
>>>   Last Name Header: 'sn'='null'
>>> But in the shibboleth  I have the email:
>>> 2020-08-04 11:09:26|Shibboleth-TRANSACTION.Login|*te...@example.com*
>>> |_37a933a02565057512061ad02ccb9e0e|
>>> https://ixxxxxxxxx/idp/shibboleth|_5b973d9e7099c43c1bb1b6e7c3a6470c|urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:PasswordProtectedTransport|2020-08-04T10:41:45|
>>> *mail*|AAdzZWNyZXQxs+3UzwKOWff08rnbNGeh+Uh53kS61N8OJl+1zy7rkVEaQl9ILTZMGGa+ia7FwPUrRaniiKcC/10X+WBWVkhUGkOf5HNbpwS3nQ2C8B7e5+AXFMH6gpgeI=|urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST||urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Success|||Mozilla/5.0
>>> (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0|zzzzz
>>> The Apache configuration it is:
>>>  UseCanonicalName On
>>>     <Location /server/api/authn/shibboleth>
>>>         Require all granted
>>>         AuthType shibboleth
>>>         ShibUseHeaders On
>>>         ShibUseEnvironment On
>>>         Require shibboleth
>>>     </Location>
>>>     <Location /server/api/authn/login>
>>>         Require all granted
>>>         AuthType shibboleth
>>>         ShibUseHeaders On
>>>         ShibUseEnvironment On
>>>         Require shibboleth
>>>     </Location>
>>>     <Proxy *>
>>>         AddDefaultCharset Off
>>>         Require all granted
>>>         #Order deny,allow
>>>         #Allow from all
>>>     </Proxy>
>>>     SSLProxyEngine on
>>>     ProxyIOBufferSize 65536
>>>     ProxyRequests off
>>>     ProxyPreserveHost On
>>>     ProxyPass /Shibboleth.sso !
>>>     # A specific proxypass configuration for DSpace server (both server 
>>> and angular on the same machine)
>>>     ProxyPass /server ajp://localhost:8009/server
>>>     ProxyPassReverse /server ajp://localhost:8009/server
>>>     # A specific proxypass configuration for Angular
>>>     ProxyPass / http://localhost:4000/
>>>     ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:4000/
>>> -- 
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>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/dspace-tech/584046a6-db4c-4dd3-8df1-85d59d17108fo%40googlegroups.com
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>>> .

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