On Fri, May 25, 2007 at 03:39:12PM -0500, Brad Teale wrote:
> How do you determine which PI system generates a PId (base it
> on collection, community)?  What if one PI system fails (URL
> unreachable, temporarily down) and it is needed to resolve the PId?
> Could it be possible to create a loop of PIds that resolve to different
> PI systems while moving through the PI system stack?

Something to note is that I don't anticipate objects normally having
more than one identifier. While the prototype allows this, it will still
be the case that objects are only assigned one identifier (according to
configuration -- the details of which are still undecided) but now we
are able to associate multiople identifiers to objects (the stack is
there to define what we understand), and resolve them all to the correct

> 3) Including special characters in the URL string doesn't seem like a
> good idea.  While they are valid characters, it does take extra
> processing to encode/decode them from layer to layer.  Why not just
> leave the URL alone or change /handle to something like /uri, /id, or
> /pid?  Why encode the PI system into the URI?

As I mention on the wiki, my current idea is to have URLs of the form:


which will resolve to the object with Handle 1234/56, etc. If the
object also has a DOI with value 7890/12 then the following URL would
point to the object as well:


It is necessary to include the "hdl:" and "doi:" parts so we can
distinguish between different persistent identifier mechanisms. The
values allowed for the persistent identifier are dependent on the
mechanism we are dealing with, and as far as possible this will be kept

> As far as having a default PI system out of the box for Dspace, I would
> recommend using a local identifier schema which used the existing URLs.
>  Include the Handle PI system in the release as a configurable option,
> but not turned on by default.  This would remove the fake handle being
> assigned to all objects and clean up the default URLs out of the box.

I've already experimented with a "null" identifier that can be used to
resolve to objects locally. For example, in my prototype, the following
url would resolve to the Item with internal id 4:


I'm still not convinced that this is a good idea, but it seems useful
and it makes accessing individual bitstreams a little more predictable
and consistent with the other objects.



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