I tend to agree with Graham:

1. That can of worm may have already been opened as soon as people
approach the persistent identifier issue. Items are relatively stable
so we don't have much of a problem on assigning handles to them but
the same can't said about the files. At least for now the admin is
free to delete/add files at will. To add the versioning helps but may
not completely eliminate the problem.

2. It would be nice to have a sensitive tool/solution accompanying
assigning handles to files, at least to help most of the admin
usecases when the identifier needs to be changed/re-assigned. I
remember someone has written a note for W3C arguing that the
persistent identifier issue is purely an adminnistrative problem. I
think he's right to some extent. To administer well the admin needs
tools. With the tools in hand then perhaps it's up to the admin to use
it wisely. BTW I think the admin can always mess up if s/he wants to.


On 7/20/07, Graham Triggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: "James Rutherford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> I absolutely agree. But how can you guarantee that it resolves to what it
> >> is meant to be identifying if you completely disallow the possibility to
> >> reassign it?
> >
> > I'd flip this around and say how can you guarantee that it resolves to
> > what it is meant to be identifying if you *do* allow the possibility to
> > reassign it. Oh, what a can of worms!
> You can't. But that isn't the issue. If you are going to have the situation
> where an id may not resolve correctly, then you have to have the tools to be
> able to correct - even if that can create problems through misuse.
> >> I was tempted to say that you shouldn't be allowed to delete a file that
> >> has an external identifier (or at least that the default implementation
> >> shouldn't). As soon as I realised that wouldn't be possible, you have to
> >> consider the possibility of reassigning the handle.
> >
> > This isn't actually strictly true. Once we have versioning, it could
> > well be impossible (presumably at the discretion of the repository
> > curator) to delete *anything*, only to be able to create a new "head"
> > version of the container that doesn't hold any reference to the file you
> > wanted to delete.
> As nice as that would be in theory, and even if it is the likely 'normal
> operation', you will always have to cater for being able to completely erase
> a file or item (ie. legal issues).
> > Remember that in systems with versioning, deletion is
> > a very different concept to systems where versioning isn't supported.
> > The points I have made so far assume we are working with a system that
> > supports versioning.
> Yes, the external id could refer - and continue to refer - to a 'deleted'
> but still accessible file. But bear in mind that we should make no
> assumption of what external id system(s) are used for the assignment, and
> that system may not be providing a persistent identifier. So we can't assume
> what the appropriate behaviour of handling that id is on file / item
> deletion.
> >> Remember, that such a reassignment is (or rather should only be used for)
> >> altering the resolution of the identifier - which doesn't automatically
> >> mean that you are conceptually changing what it identifies.
> >
> > Danger danger! Surely we would just be giving our adopters enough rope
> > with which to hang themselves by doing this. It is pretty obvious that
> > people will never use things the way we've decided that they should, no
> > matter how much we jump up and down and tell them that it's the wrong
> > thing to do.
> True - but I could argue that by even having the ability to assign external
> / persistent identifiers to anything you are giving adopters enough rope to
> hang themselves.  But having them is also a fundamental part of
> preservation, and they are likely hanging themselves if they don't use them
> (appropriately).
> There are so many issues that I don't think it's possible to ever write a
> system where it would be impossible for adopters to not hang themselves
> (with enough functionality to sustain a diverse community). The best we can
> do is minimize the potential for these problems in 'normal' operation, and
> provide extra (separate) functionality that can try to correct problems that
> do arise.
> G
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