

We use Tomcat on Red Hat Linux for our main installation so I do not think
the application server is the cause here.


Kyle Kaliebe
Systems Developer/Engineer
Knowledge Bank
University Libraries
Ohio State University


Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:38
To: Kyle Kaliebe
Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] inconsistent log output


We are having the exact same problem here, and I have been unable to
diagnose it, even after consulting with one of the DSpace committers for a
few hours. I am of the thought that it may be related to our use of mac
servers, and using JBoss instead of Tomcat on our production server. Right
now there is a discrepancy between our test server, which uses Tomcat, and
our production server. The test server logs work just fine, even on 1.4.2.
When 1.5 final is released, we will be upgrading and doing whatever needs to
be done to make Tomcat function properly on our production server, and are
hopeful this will solve the issue. However, if it doesn't, I'm going to be
even more frustrated! :)


If you determine what's going on please let us know!


Shane Beers

Digital Repository Services Librarian

George Mason University





On Mar 20, 2008, at 10:05 AM, Kyle Kaliebe wrote:

Dear Dspace tech list,

 < op: 0in; margin-right: 0in; margin-left: 0in; margin-bottom: 0.0001pt;
font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman'; ">We are having issues with
the way our dspace.log file is being written. We believe this behavior began
with our upgrade to version 1.4.2. The main issue is that our handle server
is writing its logs to dspace.log in lieu of handle-plugin.log. This is
causing issues with functionalities that are dependent on dspace.log (things
like administrator statistics). We have ensured that our handle server is
configured to write to handle-plugin.log. Whenever we restart our handle
server, it writes logs to handle-plugin.log for a few seconds, then switches
to dspace.log. In addition, the expected input to dspace.log is sometimes
blocked altogether. We have made sure that all relevant files and processes
are being run as the installing linux account.


Does anyone have any ideas on what we might try to resolve this? Thanks and
happy vernal equinox!


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