
I was wondering if anyone in the DSpace Community who has used the Cambridge (Caret)'s DSpace/Saki Integration could help us? We are having a problem getting the interface to work.

We are using DSpace 1.4.2. I incorporated the Cambridge patches and we are at the point of having Saki talk to DSpace.

We are using the following configuration in Saki:

endpoint=" <http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:8080/dspace-dev-lni/lni/DSpaceLNI>http://<userid>:<password>@test-dspace.library.cornell.edu:8080/dspace-dev-lni/lni/DSpaceLNI "

What our saki programmer is seeing is that the handle of 1813/182 is showing up, but when he clicks on it the following errors appear in the Saki log: WARN: Error in CHH DSpace mechanism [java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused] (2008-07-11 13:00:25,190 http-11076-Processor23_org.sakaiproject.content.chh.dspace.ContentHostingHandlerImplDSpace) WARN: Error in CHH DSpace mechanism [java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL: http://<userid>:<password>@test-dspace.library.cornell.edu:8080/dspace-dev-lni/lni/DSpaceLNI] (2008-07-11 13:00:26,881 http-11076-Processor23_org.sakaiproject.content.chh.dspace.ContentHostingHandlerImplDSpace)

Any ideas?

George Kozak
Web Development and Management
Digital Media Group
501 Olin Library
Cornell University
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