Hello i'm using LNI Simple Client application in order to submit items from a 
DSpace SIP to to dspace repository.
While building a MODS file in order to submit some Metadata to the item, i have 
found an error. My mets/mods file: String xml = "<?xml version='1.0' 
encoding='UTF-8'?>" +                    "<mets:mets 
http://www.loc.gov/standards/mets/mets.xsd http://www.loc.gov/mods/ 
http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-3-2.xsd'>" +                        
"<mets:dmdSec ID='" + sip.dmdGroupID + "'>" +                            
"<mets:mdWrap MDTYPE='MODS'>" +                                "<mets:xmlData>" 
+                                    "<mods:mods 
xsi:schemaLocation='http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-3-3.xsd'>" +      
                                  "<mods:titleInfo>" +                          
                  "<mods:title>asdasd</mods:title>" + //titulo                  
                      "</mods:titleInfo>" +                                     
   "<mods:name type='personal'>" +                                            
"<mods:namePart type='termsOfAddress'>Dr.</mods:namePart>" +                    
                        "<mods:namePart>Brown, B. F.</mods:namePart>" +         
                                   "<mods:affiliation>Chemistry Dept., American 
University</mods:affiliation>" +                                            
"<mods:role>" +                                                "<mods:roleTerm 
type='text'>creator</mods:roleTerm>" +                                          
      "<mods:roleTerm type='code'>cre</mods:roleTerm>" +                        
                    "</mods:role>" +                                            
"<mods:role>" +                                                "<mods:roleTerm 
type='text'>author</mods:roleTerm>" +                                           
     "<mods:roleTerm type='code'>aut</mods:roleTerm>" +                         
                   "</mods:role>" +                                        
"</mods:name>" +                                        "<mods:originInfo>" +   
"<mods:publisher>UTAD</mods:publisher>" + //journal,jornal,conf                 
                           "<mods:dateIssued>2008</mods:dateIssued>" + //data   
                                     "</mods:originInfo>" +                     
                   "<mods:relatedItem type='host'>" +                           
                 "<mods:part>" +                                                
"<mods:text>Esta é a referência</mods:text>" +                                  
          "</mods:part>" +                                        
"</mods:relatedItem>" +                                       "</mods:mods>" +  
                                "</mets:xmlData>" +                             
 "</mets:mdWrap>" +                         "</mets:dmdSec>" +                  
   "</mets:mets>"; When i run the application, the output is this: 
java.io.IOException: PUT returned status = 500; text=Database access error: 
java.sql.SQLException: bad_dublin_core schema=dc, contributor creator        at 
LNIclient.LNIclient.finishPut(LNIclient.java:392)        at 
teste.Main.main(Main.java:238) When i delete the <mods:name> part i can 
successfully ingest an item.... i need the <mods:name> area in order to add the 
creator and/or author name to the MODS file.
Any help?  Best regards.Guilherme Saraiva
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