This issue reflects a rather unfortunate issue with the mods- submission crosswalk and its rather poor coding regarding allowing any "qualifier" into the metadata even if it is not in the metadata field table for that schema.

I.E. dc.contributor.creator does not exist (nor should it in the dc table). more ideally the mod-submission.xsl should be doing a much more responsible job of mapping from mods to the dspace dc metadata namespace.

I've recently rewritten this xslt for some of our production work in an attempt to make the mappings more correct with regards to:

and a clearer mapping between mods and the qualified dublin core table that dspace maintains.

I highly recommend "not creating" something like dc.contributor.creator, and instead mods:name/mods:role/mods:roleTerm = 'creator' should map directly to dc.creator.

If you would be interested in the xslt modifications, while they are not fully tested, I would be glad to pass my mods-submission.xsl onto you.


On Jul 28, 2008, at 7:46 AM, Luis Saraiva wrote:

Hello i'm using LNI Simple Client application in order to submit items from a DSpace SIP to to dspace repository. While building a MODS file in order to submit some Metadata to the item, i have found an error.

My mets/mods file:

String xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" +
"<mets:mets xmlns:mets=' mets/' xsi:schemaLocation=' http:// http://'>" +
                        "<mets:dmdSec ID='" + sip.dmdGroupID + "'>" +
                            "<mets:mdWrap MDTYPE='MODS'>" +
                                "<mets:xmlData>" +
"<mods:mods xmlns:mods='http://' xsi:schemaLocation=' standards/mods/v3/mods-3-3.xsd'>" +
                                        "<mods:titleInfo>" +
"<mods:title>asdasd</ mods:title>" + //titulo
                                        "</mods:titleInfo>" +
"<mods:name type='personal'>" + "<mods:namePart type='termsOfAddress'>Dr.</mods:namePart>" + "<mods:namePart>Brown, B. F.</mods:namePart>" + "<mods:affiliation>Chemistry Dept., American University</ mods:affiliation>" +
                                            "<mods:role>" +
"<mods:roleTerm type='text'>creator</mods:roleTerm>" + "<mods:roleTerm type='code'>cre</mods:roleTerm>" +
                                            "</mods:role>" +
                                            "<mods:role>" +
"<mods:roleTerm type='text'>author</mods:roleTerm>" + "<mods:roleTerm type='code'>aut</mods:roleTerm>" +
                                            "</mods:role>" +
                                        "</mods:name>" +
                                        "<mods:originInfo>" +
"<mods:publisher>UTAD</ mods:publisher>" + //journal,jornal,conf "<mods:dateIssued>2008</ mods:dateIssued>" + //data
                                        "</mods:originInfo>" +
"<mods:relatedItem type='host'>" +
                                            "<mods:part>" +
"<mods:text>Esta é a referência</mods:text>" +
                                            "</mods:part>" +
                                        "</mods:relatedItem>" +
                                     "</mods:mods>" +
                                  "</mets:xmlData>" +
                              "</mets:mdWrap>" +
                         "</mets:dmdSec>" +

When i run the application, the output is this: PUT returned status = 500; text=Database access error: java.sql.SQLException: bad_dublin_core schema=dc, contributor creator
        at LNIclient.LNIclient.finishPut(
        at teste.Main.main(

When i delete the <mods:name> part i can successfully ingest an item.... i need the <mods:name> area in order to add the creator and/or author name to the MODS file.

Any help?

Best regards.

Guilherme Saraiva

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