Hey George,

About a year ago we discussed a similar issue concerning a malicious  
user.  I think back the Alex commented about trying to use mod_cband  
to throttle back aggressive clients.


But I would toss in that mod_cband also automatically throttles back  
aggressive clients without having to add in each case manually, we  
configured it to knock down the bandwidth and # of concurrent requests  
when a client oversteps a specified threshold. I think thats what your  
looking for and we can pass you our cband config if it will help you.



On Dec 10, 2008, at 5:52 PM, George Kozak wrote:

> Hi...
> In October I moved my DSpace 1.4.2 instance to a new server which is
> faster and has more memory.  I upgraded my Apache to 2.2.4, added
> mod_jk and Tomcat 5.5.26.
> My old instance worked fine with Apache 1.3.26, mod_webapp and tomcat
> 4.0.6.  In both cases I was and am using PostGreSQL 8.3.
> However, ever since moving to the new server, I have had tomcat  
> crashes with
> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
> This seems to happen when we are hit by harvesters.  I have tried a
> number of things, but all that I have done is delay the
> crashes.  They happen...just less frequently.  I am at my wits
> end!  Does anyone have any suggestions?
> In PostGreSQL, I have max_connections = 100 and shared_buffers = 32MB
> and max_fsm_pages = 204800
> Here is my Tomcat configuration:
> JAVA_OPTS="-server -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -Xmn64m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
> -XX:+UseParallelGC -verbose:gc
> -Xloggc:/dspace/dspace/log/gc.log -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
> -XX:PermSize=1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit"
> Here is robots.txt:
> User-agent: *
> Crawl-delay: 10
> User-agent: *
> Disallow: /browse-author
> Disallow: /items-by-author
> Disallow: /browse-date
> Disallow: /browse-subject
> Disallow: /bitstream
> ***************************
> George Kozak
> Coordinator
> Web Development and Management
> Digital Media Group
> 501 Olin Library
> Cornell University
> 607-255-8924
> ***************************
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Mark R. Diggory

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