On 8 July 2010 12:52, Volodymyr_G <greyknightn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, this error occur after ant fresh_install. I run this comand from
> /target/dspace-build.dir/.

You mean: target/dspace-1.6.2-build.dir/

> I recreate database, but this error:
>>>>    [java] Could not find the main class: org.dspace.search.DSIndexer.
>>>> Program will exit.
> always appeared.
> Please, Can you tell what does this error mean and how resolve this problem?

Another stab in the dark: did you get any errors during `mvn package`?

I would try the following as the dspace user:

dropdb dspace
createdb -U dspace -E UNICODE dspace

cd [dspace-src]/dspace
mvn clean
mvn package

cd target/dspace-1.6.2-build.dir/
ant fresh_install

Also check that your dspace directory as defined in dspace.cfg is
owned by the dspace user.

Sean Carte
esAL Library Systems Manager
+27 72 898 8775
+27 31 373 2490
fax: 0866741254

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